dessert beer

The Story Of: La Sirène Praline

La Sirène's Praline was created as a one-off for GABS but, after winning the People's Choice vote, took on a life of its own. Ahead of the beer's tenth birthday celebrations, the brewery team reflect on a most un-La Sirène beer.

Down With The Sweetness?

From pastry stouts to milkshake IPAs and fruity cream sours, there's an argument to be made for 2019 being the year of the dessert beer. Mitch Wilkins spoke to people brewing and serving them about their sugary appeal.

GABS Champs: Where Are They Now?

The winner of the GABS People's Choice tends to attract a fair amount of attention each year. But what becomes of those festival beers once the hype has died down? We chatted to the past five winners to find out more.