When you're based in the Victorian High Country, one of the two biggest hop growing regions in Australia, you wouldn't want to let a hop harvest pass without taking advantage. In his first season as a local brewer, Nathan Munt did just that, getting his hands on 20kg of wet Ella, Galaxy and (his favourite) Vic Secret hops, all of which were added to the hopback to create this Wet Hopped IPA.
There can be a danger with such beers of capturing little more than the grassy or vegetal qualities of the wet hops, but it's one that's been avoided here. Instead you're welcomed by punchy aromas of citrus and melon, supported by a malt sweetness that enhances their juicy qualities. It's more in the taste that you can tell wet hops are at play here, while, even being added late on, they're copious enough to add a building, resinous, almost piney finish.
Published May 4, 2017 2017-05-04 00:00:00