The Three Circles of Helles at The Wheaty

Wed 22 Nov 6:30pm

The Three Circles of Helles at The Wheaty

Take an identical lager recipe, brew it three times, ferment each with a different yeast, and “Bam!”, you’re in the middle of Three Circles of Helles. 

For a taste of the awesome power of fermentation science, head to The Wheaty for this special event that’ll be right up the alley of inquisitive beer drinkers. 

It’s all thanks to the ace yeast wranglers from Ferveo who have teamed up with the Wheaty Brewing Corps to brew three beers with three very distinct yeast strains:

  • Riverside Lager: Featuring one of the original strains used at the South Australian Brewing Company in the 1950s
  • Neutralager: A lager strain selected for its neutral fermentation characteristics, with fast fermentation kinetic and producing very low H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide)
  • KlarRein: The traditional Weihenstephan strain, originally from Germany and used in lagers worldwide

On November 22 you can join Tommaso Watson (Ferveo), Briony Liebich (Flavour Logic) and Jade Flavell (Wheaty Brewing Corps) to absolutely nerd out over yeast. Whether you’re into attenuation, flocculation, swamp gas, diacetyl rests, 34-70, phenolics, esters, flavour thresholds, or anything else, this is the crew you want to talk to. 

Bookings are essential and can be made here.

If you’re there on the night, the three beers will be available to take home in cans, but only for as long as they last. 

Crafty Cabal Member offer at The Wheaty: Wheaty Brewery Tour & Tasting

Special Event Types: Cabal Cabal Crafty Pint Industry