If you're after a beer launch with some extra ooompf, get yourself along to the Bendigo Hotel in Collingwood as they get set to kick out the jams.
This double-header of a live music event on January 25 will feature the high-octane slide-guitar brilliance of Bob Log III combined with the raw post-punk power of Chimers, all washed down with The Mill Brewery's brand new Kicker IPA.
They'll also have other drink specials all night, plus Dingo Ate My Taco doing the catering.
Presale tickets are just $15 which comes with a free can of Kicker, or you can just rock up and pay $20 at the door and get no free beer. Take the smart option and book here.
Kicker will be available at The Bendi on tap and in package from the bottle shop, and online.