New, Improved Crafty

May 1, 2013, by Crafty Pint

New, Improved Crafty

Just like the very best hair products and cleansing powders for your washing machine, changes to anything should be incremental. At least that’s what we’re telling ourselves here at Crafty Towers after taking more than a year to get around to making some tweaks to the site. But as the eagle-eyed among you may have noticed, there have been a few things happening here and there in recent weeks and, as of today, the current round of tweaking is complete.

They involve a couple of new additions to the site, changes to make it easier for you to share content you like and others that should improve the user experience. They are:

Crafty Pint TV

Over the past couple of years, we’ve been lucky enough to work with some passionate craft beer lovers who are also handy with a camera and editing suite. So, rather than have their short films tucked away hidden in the site, they now have a page dedicated to them. Look out for a new series of short films, “Crafty Tales”, coming to the page soon.

Enhanced Directories

As the number of listings on the site has grown, so had the Breweries, Venues (formerly Bars) and Bottleshops directory pages. These have now been divided by state to help you find those you’re looking for. We now have the ability to add brewing companies as well as breweries too so look out for listings for the best of those coming soon too.

Social Media Sharing

We’ve been asked many a time why we didn’t have buttons to ease with the sharing of content. It was a design / look decision at launch but such things are ever-present now so they’ve been added where appropriate and seem to be proving popular. You can check out our rather beery Instagram page too by clicking on the icon top right.


We now have a dedicated page for anyone wanting to advertise positions in the craft beer world – launched today, in fact, with an ad for an Assistant Brewer at Holgate Brewhouse. Anyone wishing to post there should email with details and an image.

News Archive

We’ve got a huge amount of content on the site now after 30 months in operation so have looked to streamline past News stories. Now if you click on all news stories, you just get the headline and a snippet of text, rather than processor-slowing photos.


The ads on the site have been enhanced so that they now scroll through multiple ads where appropriate. A few extra spots have been added too so that we can offer a wider range of options to anyone wanting to use The Crafty Pint as a platform to spread the good beer word. Hopefully these aren’t obtrusive as the site does need to generate some sort of income so we can continue to deliver the latest news, beers, events and so on free of charge.

Hopefully the above make the site that little bit friendlier and useful. Now to get back to adding more listings…

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