Ocean Reach Degustation at Hopscotch (VIC)

Wed 18 Oct 6:30pm

Ocean Reach Degustation at Hopscotch (VIC)

Phillip Island's Ocean Reach Brewing will be popping into Hopscotch on October 18 for a dinner powered by good beer and a good cause. 

Brewer/owner/operator Simon from Ocean Reach will be along to guide you through four of his beers, including one made in Frank The Tank, Hopscotch's microbrewery located besides the tables you'll be dining at. The beer itself is Merv, a kolsch that's been made as a Movember ale. 

Each of the four beers will be matched with dishes specially designed for the occasion by Hopscotch's head chef. 

Tickets are just $55 and can be booked here. 20 percent of ticket sales will be donated to the Movember foundation. 

Special Event Types: Cabal Cabal Crafty Pint Industry