Oktoberfest with the Merri Mashers

Fri 22 Sep 4:00pm

Oktoberfest with the Merri Mashers

Now here's an Oktoberfest event that promises a taste of something you'll not get anywhere else – Munich or otherwise!

On September 22 Preston brewpub Tallboy & Moose will be hosting the legendary Merri Mashers homebrew club. They in turn will have picked six top home brewers to each present a German-style beer of their choosing. On the night, you'll get to taste your way through them, vote for your fave and the winner will be crowned People's Choice Champion and bestowed with all the associated glory. 

For their part, the brewpub will have be serving up their own German-style beers plus German food specials. 

Entry and tastings are free, but booking a table is always a handy idea. You can do so here.

Crafty Cabal Member offer at Tallboy and Moose: Free Fifth Taster At Tallboy and Moose

Special Event Types: Cabal Cabal Crafty Pint Industry