Pale Ale Tap Takeover at Hotel Sweeney’s (NSW)

Fri 23 Jun 12:00pm

Pale Ale Tap Takeover at Hotel Sweeney’s (NSW)

It’s the most popular beer style at just about every brewery that makes one – and that’s just about every brewery. At local beer awards it’s pretty well always the category that sees the most entries. It’s the beer that, more than any other, is hauling craft beer into the mainstream. It is, of course, the humble pale ale. 

The crew at Hotel Sweeney’s figured its existence was something worth celebrating so they’re doing a tap takeover dedicated solely to them, in different forms and from different places. To wit, here are the ones they’ll be tapping on the rooftop this Friday:

  • Hogwood 6 – Siren Craft Brew (UK)
  • High Wire - Magic Rock (UK)
  • Gamma Ray – Beavertown (UK)
  • Bibble – Wild Beer Co (UK) 
  • Ripper – Stone Brewing (USA)
  • F Yeah - Big Shed Brewing Concern (SA)
  • Angry Man - Murray’s (NSW)

And if you're that rare person that’s “not into pale ales”, they’ll be providing a little contrast in the form of Moo Brew’s Velvet Sledgehammer seasonal stout, which is rather thoughtful really. 

Crafty Cabal Member offer at Hotel Sweeney's: Pints For Schooners!

Special Event Types: Cabal Cabal Crafty Pint Industry