Brew & A: Young Henrys

October 16, 2013, by Crafty Pint
Brew & A: Young Henrys

Sydney Craft Beer Week is just days away, with its biggest, most varied and most exciting lineup of events yet. Among the local breweries taking part – and contributing some of the most varied and oddball events of the week is Newtown’s Young Henrys. You’ll find their beer everywhere from dinners to a animal-suit them bicycle pub crawl.

So we thought what better time than to pose a few questions of them for our recently resurrected Brew & A series. And we received these answers from the brewery’s rock ‘n’ roller Oscar McMahon (pictured above with members of You Am I during the Brew Am I collaboration brew).

Favourite Australian beer (other than your own)?
Mountain Goat Black IPA

Epiphany beer – the one that set you on the road to becoming a brewer?
Coopers Vintage (can’t remember the year)

Desert island beer – the one to keep you going if you were stranded for the rest of your days?
Chimay Grande Reserve. Served in a coconut.

Favourite beer and food match?
Durham’s white stout and roast pork, YH real ale and duck, any good IPA and pizza.

What are we likely to hear cranking from the stereo on brew days?
The Black Crowes, the Rolling Stones, Howlin' Wolf.

Favourite place to enjoy a drink?
The P.B.D Clubhouse, our little brewery, Mary’s or… I can’t give away all the good ones.

If you were a beer style, what would you be?
A lightly spiced Fark-witbier. [Good to see the wordplay at Young Henrys isn’t confined to the naming of their own beers – Crafty.]

The best thing you’ve ever traded for beer?
Coffee and breakfast every day for the last year. I’m a simple guy.

When I’m not making or drinking beer, you’ll find me…

Your hope for beer in Australia?
That we keep going in the direction that we are and that gradual change means permanent change.

Sydney Craft Beer Week kicks off on October 18. Check out the full program here.

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