Go West (Part One)

The Margaret River region is home to more microbreweries than any other part of Australia. From slick operations with a love of traditional European beers to family-run affairs and the odd quirky spot,…

The Crafty Planner: October 8 to 14

Take your pick! From coast to coast, there’s a veritable cavalcade of craft beer activity this week, with Oktoberfests continuing and plenty of other goodness, from chances to meet brewers and beer…

Changing The Guard

The man behind Australia’s current favourite craft beer, the Pacific Ale, has been appointed as the new Chief Judge for the country’s biggest beer awards. Brad Rogers, head brewer and co-founder (and…

Blog Of The Month: girlplusbeer

The Crafty Pint first came across Pia Poynton when she was working at Five Bar, one of very few venues in and around Perth that’s showing any real support for craft beer. Since then, she’s moved south…

Podcast B2
Bintani Abstrax B
Help From Our Friends

Anyone involved in the craft beer world will be aware of how important the internet has been and continues to be in making this the most exciting time in beer’s long history. Whether it’s bringing…

Red Letter Day

It’s common practice for breweries to mark anniversaries with a beer, whether brewing a new beer every birthday like Bridge Road, tweaking an Anniversary Ale like they do at Murray's or saving it for…

The Crafty Planner: October 2 to 7

Wherever you turn in the beer world at the minute, there’s a good chance you could be confronted by a man in lederhosen, a woman in a dirndl, a pretzel the size of your head, a glass of Marzen bigger…

SCBW Is Rockin'

In this week’s preview of Sydney Craft Beer Week we head to the place that kick-started Australia’s fondness for a drink… When British colonists first turned up in Australia in the late 1700s,…

Ale O'Clock

Twenty four hours in a day. Twenty four taps at Ipswich’s new home of craft beer, Alehouse 24. Coincidence? Yes or no, are the beer-loving locals going to care? We think not, now that this shrine to…

What's In A Name: The Yeastie Boys

For the latest in our series of pieces looking at the importance or otherwise of beer names, we take a trip across the Tasman to the home of the Yeastie Boys. They’re a pair of brewers with a tendency…

Tripel Strength

They’ve already hosted home brewing legends from the States, held a series of sold out, high quality dinners, and helped set hundreds of Aussie home brewers on the path to brewing better beer. But for…

Starting A Brewery: The Boatrocker Story Part II

At the start of the month, we kicked off a mini-series featuring Boatrocker Brewing and the tale of how founder Matt Houghton and his wife Andrea have set about moving from home brewing to owning a brewery.…

Holgate at 25
Krush HPA bonus
The Crafty Planner: September 25 to 30

From coast to coast, Oktoberfest is in full swing, keeping those Aussies who aren’t in Munich for the real deal content with lashings of Germanic beers, lederhosen, bagels and games. That’s…

Sydney Sees Red

When owners Karen and Dave Golding made the decision to close the cellar door at Red Hill earlier this year, there was a genuine outpouring of sadness within the local beer community. Yet, while it was…

What's In A Name: Feral Brewing

When we kicked off our mini-series looking at beer names – what makes a good one, how do brewers come up with them, does it matter, and so on – we mentioned Feral’s Hop Hog as one that worked so…

Brew & A: Bacchus Brewing

Among the new listings added to the site at the start of this month was one of the more idiosyncratic breweries in the land. Bacchus Brewing combines a huge home brew emporium with a multiple brewhouse…

Bayside's Brewing

Victoria’s summer of beer is taking shape, with less than two months to go until Beers By The Bay lands at Mornington Racecourse to herald three outdoor beer festivals in little more than ten weeks.…

Women For All Seasons

It’s little over 18 months since the Victorian Women of Beer took to the stage at the Thornbury Theatre during the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival. Since then, some of those on stage have helped…

HPA E Krush 2024
Bintani- Updated Behind The Brew- E