Earth Beer Red Earth Rye IPA, Mosaic Single Hopped XPA & Party Wave Mosaic Hazy IPA

Various Styles As Indicated
6.9% & 5.2% & 6.5%

They love Mosaic hops at Earth Beer, so they love to chuck ‘em into plenty of beers they can share with their customers. Or maybe just so they always have multiple Mosaic-y options to drink themselves.

Mosaic partners up with Amarillo in Red Earth Rye IPA, a layered malt bomb of a red IPA that doesn’t skimp on the hop explosion. The name of this beer celebrates the red volcanic soil the brewery sits upon, the original name of the brewery, and of course, the rich colour of the beer itself – it shines in the glass like the sun setting over the iron-rich volcanic soil of Cudgen.

A mountainous aroma of red berry and crystallised sugar jumps out of the glass, with candied citrus and pine toffee* following closely as you get to the drinking. Big malt sweetness, medium West Coast vibes, small rye spice, and enough earthy, nutty bitterness to keep it all under control in the finish.

In Mosaic Single Hopped XPA, there’s no sharing of the spotlight with other hop varieties, and yet this beer is far from one-dimensional; Alongside Mosaic’s famous fruit salad character, there’s a bright note of pine resin that keeps the fruitiness grounded. And despite its pale appearance, this XPA isn’t as lean as many others, with a decent malt profile bolstering the Mosaic and balancing the bitterness.

Then there’s Party Wave Mosaic Hazy IPA, which first hit the stage at the start of 2024 and was so loved that Earth didn’t even wait a year before brewing it again.

This one’s all about huge fruitiness. It’s like going to one of those shopping centre juice bars and ordering a shot of freshly whizzed pineapple, then a chaser of citrus and blueberry juice.** Then, once you’re all hopped up*** on fructose, you jump over the counter and use your newly-acquired sugar high strength to overpower the staff and blend together all the remaining fruit into one giant juicenami.****

Mick Wüst

* If this isn’t a thing, it should be. ** There’s a fair chance Boost Juice already has an offering like this. *** Pun not intended, believe it or not. **** Again, probably already available at Boost Juice.

Published September 13, 2024

Earth Beer Company

592 Cudgen Road
NSW 2487

0491 729 326
Open Hours

Friday: 1pm to 8pm
Saturday: 11am to 8pm
Sunday: 11am to 6.30pm


Anytime within opening hours
Bookings required

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