Over the years, Yarra Valley brewery Hargreaves Hill has released a variety of pilsners, often showcasing one hop or another. And, with summer on its way, they're back with a fresh version. In keeping with their fondness for unearthing rare styles, such as past releases like the Maibock they created with Red Hill or the Grisette brewed for GABS in 2012, they've ignored the Bohemian and German styles most Aussie brewers use for inspiration and instead opted for a pre-Prohibition era US style pilsner.
What that translates to is 25 per cent maize in the grain bill, six per cent alcohol and generously hopping with Northern Brewer. It was originally served as a Kellerbier (unfiltered) from a cask at the Local Taphouse's Oktoberfest with additional Summer hops added. The finished version is out now and is best located, requested and quaffed fresh.
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