Hawker’s Imperial Stout is now in its fourth year and has brought in its wake so many barrel-aged iterations that, even if you've missed one or two, the Hawkers section of your cellar may very well be bulging by now. This year’s barrel-aged releases will be out in the near future but, for now, we have the standalone Imperial Stout 2019 to see us through.
At 10.6 percent ABV, this year’s is a touch lighter than its predecessor (and closer to the first two releases) and the Hawkers team have opted for 500ml bottles over the stubbies of previous years. Other than that, the 2019 beer has much in common with previous releases and, like many beers from Hawkers, is a beer in which balance is key. Pouring a deep black with a tan head, the roasted notes leap out of its thick body first, soon joined by a richly intense dark chocolate and molasses, which itself segues into a smooth caramel fudge finish.
Will Ziebell
Published July 26, 2019 2019-07-26 00:00:00