Fancy letting your dark side out? Join the team at The Wheaty as they do just that with their annual Font of Darkness dark beer celebration.
Throughout July, pop into the Thebarton jewel to try some of the finest dark beers you can get your hands on in this fair land. Beginning on the first of the month and ending on the lsat, they'll line up more than 60 beers from 30 breweries, including the following...
- Nøgne Ø M.O.L.E.
- Mismatch Chocolate Stout
- Modus Operandi Cascadian Howl
- Yeastie Boys Pot Kettle Black
- Bridge Road B2 Bomber Mach 7.0
- Left Barrel Bob's Ya Dunkel
- Pirate Life Stout 2017 (Handpump)
- 8 Wired Cosmic Chaos & Re-Wired Brown Ale
- Big Shed/Doctor's Orders Dr Shedlove 2017
- Bridge Road Magical Easter Unicorn & Thursday
- Cavalier Chocolate Imperial Stout & Brown Ale
- Doctor's Orders Malpractice
- Hawkers Limited Release Stout
- Lobethal Bierhaus Red Truck Porter & Chocolate Oatmeal Stout
- Modus Operandi Silent Knight Porter
- Mornington Imperial Stout 2017 & Porter
- Nomad Reeling Teeling Tipsy Convict
- Pirate Life Stout 2016 and 2017
- Stone & Wood Stone Beer
- Two Birds Stout
- Wheaty Brewing Corps Wheaty-Bix, Shiploads, Benatar, Russian Caravan & Wolperdinger
- Wolf of the Willows Johnny Smoke Porter
- Woolshed Firehouse Coffee Stout
- Yeastie Boys Dark Matter
And if those aren't enough, there will be more. However, the same rule applies to all beers: they're only on for as long as they're on. After that, it's your own fault for missing out. So, don't miss out.
Crafty Cabal Member offer at The Wheaty:
Wheaty Brewery Tour & Tasting