Crafty Hits The Road

March 1, 2011, by Crafty Pint

Crafty Hits The Road

Today, we’re delighted to welcome the first non-Victorian listings onto The Crafty Pint. Having launched with purely Victorian venues just six months ago, it soon became clear that we couldn’t delay the next stage in the evolution of the site too long, which is to start taking on a nationwide outlook. This has already begun with a number of news and feature stories from the wider world of Australian craft beer appearing and the events diary being infiltrated by listings from outside Victoria.

However, from the earliest days, when Crafty was a mere idea (and tentatively called The Wobbly Boot, if you’re interested in such trivia), the aim was ultimately to provide comprehensive coverage of the entire Australian craft beer scene. That’s still some way away – it’s a bloody big country after all and The Crafty Pint remains a very small operation for now – but we believe this is a small step in that direction. That said, it’s a small step boasting some big names. Going live today are listings for:




Moo Brew (and the new MONA Winery Bar at MONA)
Burleigh Brewing
The Local Taphouse Darlo
The Wheaty
Olinda Cellars
Mildura Brewery
Little Creatures
Stone & Wood
Josie Bones

We had planned to mark the six month anniversary with a few more, but time has run out so we’ll be adding more in a month’s time – and quite possibly every month after that.

If you’re wondering why there aren’t more listed, there are plenty of reasons, among them the fact that we started this with the aim of visiting every venue before adding a listing to the site. We felt this would ensure a quality, consistency and degree of independence that would be lacking if we allowed venues to supply their own information. It is a time-consuming approach – and one that may ultimately prove impractical – but for now, that’s how it is. Further trips are being lined up to fill the gaps (and there are many others that have been visited already that we haven’t got around to listing yet), but for now, we hope adding some of the bigger and more readily available craft breweries helps tide things over.

Looking ahead, if you run a venue (brewery, bar or bottleshop) who would like to be included – that hasn’t already been visited by Crafty – drop us an email to and we’ll tell you what’s involved and what we can do for you. If you have been visited and haven’t heard back yet, please see the above comment about a lack of time! And, even if you don’t have your own page on the site, we’re still keen to learn about what you’ve got going on – there could be news stories or event listings that we can highlight.

We now have the ability to place adverts on certain pages of the site too – namely, the front page and the news and features pages that receive the most views. If you would like to find out more about advertising, please email Please be aware, however, that in keeping with the ethos of the site, we will only be running appropriate ads, such as those relevant to the craft beer industry or associated industries, such as tourism or other food and wine enterprises focusing on artisanal developers. Like the brewers we’re promoting, it’s the authenticity that counts!

Other than that, we hope you’re enjoying what we do and look forward to spreading our wings further in the near future. Cheers!

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