Bigger and Brighter

August 9, 2011, by Crafty Pint

Bigger and Brighter

It already boasts one of the best locations of any microbrewery in Australia, on the banks of the Ovens River surrounded by tree-coated mountains on Victoria’s Great Alpine Road. And now Bright Brewery is set to expand and give punters even more reason to drop in. The owners have secured $110,000 in Federal Government tourism funding that will enable them to extend their hospitality space and provide extra indoor areas for visitors. Currently, most seating is outside – great in summer, less so in the colder months.

“We’re aiming to triple our floor space,” says Fiona Reddaway. “That way we’ll have room for brewing, room for packaging and also space for people to sit whatever the weather. We’ll have a bigger bar and better kitchen, will be able to do more tours and it should be far more practical for brewing.”

With the brewing schedule having increased significantly in the past couple of years and growth continuing apace in keeping with the craft beer industry, she says they have “more or less reached capacity” and need to increase their facilities.

“It feels like a daily miracle that we’re able to pump out beer and serve the number of customers that we do so having this [extra capacity] will make it a whole lot more practical. It should make us more visible too as we’ll build up to near the Great Alpine Road.

“The Government puts a lot of effort into encouraging people to be tourists in Australia, both from overseas and those traveling domestically, so they want to make sure that, having sold the dream, the tourism industry can deliver on their promise.”

Work will commence next year. In the meantime, Bright has tied its next “Brewer For A Day” in September in with Melbourne Food & Wine Festival’s Put Victoria On Your Table season. There are still three places left, offering you the chance to take part in a brew from start to finish. It takes place on September 15 and the beer will be the brewery’s Spring seasonal, its first ever IPA. The experience costs $360, which also includes a t-shirt, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and knock off beers. For more information, head here.

The brewery has also just released a seriously limited number of 750ml bottles of its Topaz Harvest Lager, 90 in fact. They cost $18 and if you want to get hold of one, get in touch with the brewery.

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