By the time Matilda Bay released their first new beer following the return of founder Phil Sexton, they'd tipped 27 trial batches down the drain. Now they're offering drinkers a chance to try four of the beers that didn't quite make the grade.
He kicked the contemporary craft beer scene in WA in the early 80s and recently announced his return to Matilda Bay on a mission to reclaim its lost iconic status. We close out of end-of-decade series with Phil Sexton.
The man credited with kick-starting a revolution in Australian beer is to return to the brewing company he founded. Phil Sexton is to open a Matilda Bay brewery venue in Healesville in partnership with CUB.
You could search every corner of the Australian craft beer community and you'd struggle to find someone held in greater affection by as many people as Neil Whittorn. So we asked the man well into his fifth decade of brewing to be our latest Craft Beer Hero.
Stone & Wood has kicked off a series of beers that pay tribute to the people that helped create the beer scene we enjoy in Australia today. We chat to Forefather number one: Phil Sexton.