Beer Styles

Discover more about beer styles, iconic beers, and how best to enjoy them.

Beer Styles
Beer & Food: Salmon and Strawberry Appetiser

Anyone that’s picked up a bottle or three of Red Hill’s Temptation might want to give this a try – it’s the recipe for the dish that was matched with it at a beer dinner at St Kilda’s Circa restaurant…

Beer & Food: Carbonnade of Beef from the Courthouse Hotel

Judging by the growing number of beer dinners indicates, the pairing of beer and food is becoming ever more popular, aided by the likes of high profile characters like Paul Mercurio and Chris Badenoch…


Hands up who’s heard of a braggot before? Not many, I’ll wager. And not surprising, really, given it’s a mead-ale hybrid with origins in Medieval England. A few homebrewers out there may have tried…