Beer Styles: Blind Tasting

Discover more about beer styles, iconic beers, and how best to enjoy them.

Beer Styles
Getting Blind With Crafty: Influencer Beers

For our final blind tasting of 2023, we figured we'd do something a little different: with several new beers on the market associated with bands, brands or other famous figured, we decided to put them to the test.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Mexican Lagers

For our Mexican lager blind tasting, we veered a little from our usual approach and included some of the biggest names in the world alongside the Aussies. The big question: could a local hero claim the crown...?

Getting Blind With Crafty: Budget Busters

Looking for a crafty drop to fill your fridge that isn't going to break the bank in these straitened times? We lined up a bunch of budget-busting beers for a blind tasting with a difference.

The Collaborators: Flavour Logic

Taste is highly subjective but if you work in the beer industry or are passionate about beer, recognising off-flavours can be essential. Which is where sensory analyst Briony Leibich – AKA Flavour Logic – comes in.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Cold IPAs

Something a little different for our last blind tasting of 2021 as we tuck into an emerging style that's only been attempted by a small number of Aussie brewers. So, what did our panel make of the world of cold IPA?

Getting Blind With Crafty: Pale Lagers 2021

Much has changed in the half decade and more since we last put lagers to the blind taste test. For one, there's bloody loads of them, but who's brewing them really well? We compiled an expert panel to find out.

Help Us Get Blind: Lagers Round II

Blimey, there's a lot of lagers out there these days. We've locked in most of the spots for our pale lager blind tasting but we reckon we can squeeze in a few more. So, it's over to you to decide which ones...

Help Us Get Blind: GBW IPA Special

With the return of Good Beer Week comes the return of our Pint of Origin IPA Blind Tasting Championship. And, once again, we're inviting our lovely readers to help us choose the beers that will be on the lineup.

Help Us Get Blind: Lagers

Lagers have been making a comeback in recent years and it turns out it's more than half a decade since we last put them to the test in a blind tasting. Want to help us compile a list as we do it all over again?

Getting Blind With Crafty: Hazy Pales

They're hazy. They're pale. They're all the rage. But who's doing them well? For our first blind tasting of 2021, we got our hands on a stack of Aussie examples, amassed some expert palates, and put them to the test.

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Getting Blind With Crafty: How We Judge – 2021 Update

We've been conducting blind tastings at The Crafty Pint since late 2012, both in-house and as pubic events across the country. As we get underway in 2021, we've tweaked the way we source and judge the beers.

Help Us Get Blind: Hazy Pales

Having managed to squeeze in a post-lockdown(s) blind tasting just before 2020 drew to a close, we're kicking off the new year with a look at hazy pales. And we'd love your help compiling a long list of those available in Australia.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Non-Alcoholic Beer

For our first and only blind tasting of 2020, we went with a suitably 2020 lineup: non-alcoholic beers. They may well ruin the pun in the series title, but how do they stack up in front of our panel of industry experts?

Help Us Get Blind: Pint Of Origin Championship II

Time for the second and final vote to help us decide which 16 IPAs will go head-to-head in the first Pint of Origin Blind Tasting Championship at Good Beer Week 2019.

Help Us Get Blind: Pint of Origin Championship

At Good Beer Week 2019, we're combining two of our favourite things: Pint of Origin and blind tastings. We'll pit an IPA from each of the 16 regions against each other and you get to choose them.

Getting Blind With Crafty: XPAs

Is it just a marketing term? Are XPAs just pale ales or session IPAs by another name? Either way, there's plenty around so we took on more than 20 of them in another Crafty blind tasting.

Help Us Get Blind: XPAs

For our first blind tasting of 2019 we're going to look at XPAs. Sure, it's a category that remains open to some interpretation but plenty of people are brewing and drinking them so it seems only right.

Getting Blind With Crafty: NEIPAs

For the first time in many years of running blind tastings, we've had a brewery go back to back in top spot. In our final panel tasting of 2018, we looked at NEIPAs from breweries across Australia and here's how they fared.

Help Us Get Blind: NEIPAs

Having brought our blind tastings back from a hiatus earlier this month, we're closing out 2018 with another one looking at NEIPAs. To whittle the list down to a manageable number, we're asking you to help.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Mid-Strengths

Following our article on the golden age of mid-strengths, we gathered a panel to assess more than 20 available around Australia for our latest blind tasting. So who came out on top...?

Want to know more?

Beer Styles
Discover more about beer styles, iconic beers, and how best to enjoy them.
Help Us Get Blind: Mid-Strengths

Following our Golden Age Of Mids? feature, we're bringing our blind tastings out of hibernation to see who's doing such beers the best. We're getting a panel together in early November and want your help picking the lineup.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Session Sours

For our first blind tasting of 2018, we lined up a pretty eclectic selection of beers that form part of the beer world's current fondness for sour styles. And the year got off to a fine start with a winning beer from a brewpub few readers will yet have visited.

Help Us Get Blind: Session Sours

For our first Getting Blind With Crafty tasting of 2018, we're going to embrace the broad church of beers that might be tagged "session sours" – Berliner weisse, gose, kettle sours and so on. And now is your chance to help us decide which to feature.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Pale Ales Pt II

Two months on from our look at American pale ales, we completed our two part blind tasting with a look at New World style pales. Who came out on top according to our panel of experts?

Help Us Get Blind: Pale Ale Voting Round II

With American style pale ales done and dusted, it's time for part two of our two-part pale ale blind tasting. Here, we're looking at more New World style pales and want you to help us select the field for the panel.

Getting Blind With Crafty: American Pale Ales

With so many pale ales on the market today, we split our latest tasting into two rounds. First to be put to the blind taste test was American style pales, with New World to follow before the year is out. Who did our panel put on top?

Help Us Get Blind: Pale Ale Double Header

For our next blind tasting, we're going to return to pale ales for the first time since 2013. With so many available, we're splitting the tasting into two sessions – New World and American pales – and want your help compiling the lineup.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Imperial Stouts Revisited

After a four year break, we returned to the most epic of beer styles, imperial stout, for our latest blind tasting. Old favourites and beers not around four years ago went into battle. Who would win?

Help Us Get Blind: Imperial Stouts

Having brought our blind tasting panels back last month – and taken them public – we're aiming to run them every two months now. Next up is imperial stouts and, once more, we're asking you to help us decide which beers to put to the test.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Hoppy Reds & Ambers

After an unplanned seven month break, we brought our blind tasting panel back. We focused on hoppy reds and ambers, with readers helping select the featured beers. Here's the results – and how readers can join us for a public version of the tasting.

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Help Us Get Blind: Reds & Ambers

After an eight month hiatus, we've found the time to bring our Blind Tasting Panel back together. And, given there's so many beers to pick from these days, we're inviting our readers to help us pick the beers we'll put to the test.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Saison Revisited

It's a style that's much loved at Crafty Towers and a favourite of many brewers, as well as one that's broad and complex. So, 40 months on from last time, we assembled another blind tasting panel to assess a lineup of saisons.

Cabal Update – 12/08/16

We've got a whopper of an update for you from inside The Crafty Cabal, featuring winners, VIP passes, a special sign up incentive, more events and a pile of new deals and offers at venues and breweries.

Getting Blind with Crafty: IPA (Part II)

After two sessions, we've now put 40 Australian brewed IPAs to the test. In part II, we set about blind tasting beers weighing 6.5 percent and above. And here's the results; how did your favourites fare?

Getting Blind With Crafty: IPA (Part I)

It's been a while, but our blind tastings are back. And, having punished panelists with some less than thrilling lineups previously, here we tackle flavour of the month IPA. With so many now available, we're splitting the tasting over two panels.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Pale Lagers

For our final blind tasting of 2015, we looked at a style that's becoming increasingly popular with Australian craft brewers: pale lagers. We lined up 26 different beers (including a few "New World" versions) from brewers big and small. And this is how they fared.

Drinking In Style: Pale Lagers

Love lager or keen to know a little more about the world's most popular style? Before we publish the results of our pale lager blind tasting, here's Resident Beer Scholar Chris Brady with another colourful journey into beer's multifarious past.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Ownership Special

Part two of our examination of the issue of ownership in the craft beer world is a blind tasting special. In it, we pit beers from the big brewers, major retailers and multinationals against those from small independent Australian brewing companies.

Glory For Sydney In Sydney

The Sydney Royal Beer & Cider Awards saw the Sydney Brewery take out trophies in both beer and cider, with the majority of the record number of golds awarded also going to NSW breweries.

Getting Blind With Crafty: Stouts

For our latest Blind Tasting we gathered a panel of beer experts to taste more than 25 local and international stouts. Who came out on top?

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The Great Craft Beer Taste Off

We love blind tasting beers at The Crafty Pint. Later this month, Forester's Hall is offering drinkers the chance to have a go themselves. Kerry McBride asks why you should give it a go.

Getting Blind With Crafty: How We Judge

Approximately every couple of months, we host a blind tasting of beers – usually matching the season or a current hot topic. Here's how we carry out the judging and the thinking behind our methods.

Getting Blind With Crafty: XPA / Session IPA

For our first Blind Tasting of 2015, we assembled a panel of beer lovers, experts and brewers to assess XPAs and session IPAs, two hot-right-now "styles".

Getting Blind With Crafty: Porter

After a six-month hiatus instigated by a combination of incapacitation at Crafty Towers, a disgusting workload and then the inexorable passage of time, we finally got the Blind Tasting show back on the…

Getting Blind With Crafty: Christmas Ales

“All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth…” Or in the case of a Christmas blind tasting, how about a classic coming out on top (to prove…

Getting Blind With Crafty: Golden & Summer Ales

With summer upon us, it seemed only right to have a look at the quaffable end of the ale world for our latest Blind Tasting. That said, the choice of style (in a fairly loose sense) wasn’t met with unanimous…

Getting Blind With Crafty: Ambers and Reds

There was much change afoot for our latest Crafty Pint Blind Tasting Panel at the weekend. For a start, it featured an entirely new set of panellists. Each and every one of those who taken part in a previous…

Drinking In Style: Amber and Red Ales

In order to keep pace with the Crafty Pint Tasting Panel, this month's instalment of Drinking In Style takes a look at two styles named for their respective hues: amber and red. If only there were a green ale to complete a brewer's traffic light…

Getting Blind With Crafty: Imperial Stouts

So which beers came out on top in the biggest (in every way) Crafty Pint blind tasting to date? HOw did the Aussies fare against beers from the Old World. Read on to find out...

Ask Brewer Jayne: How to judge beers

This weekend is the occasion of the next Crafty Pint Blind Tasting Panel. We say “occasion” as it will feature Imperial Stouts and thus is the one causing the most ripples of excitement among panelists. Usually,…