We're Gonna Need A Bigger Shed

Big Shed Brewing Concern is set to get a whole lot bigger after they announced plans for a $2.5m expansion. They were joined by SA Premier Jay Weatherill, whose government is providing more than one million dollars in grant funding and a low interest loan.

Behind The Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers Of 2017

There were plenty of stories within the second GABS Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers countdown, from Panhead holding on to top spot to Garage Project supplying almost one in five beers and Liberty claiming the highest new entry. But we're going to tell three different ones.

Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers Of 2017: The Results

The results of the second GABS Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers poll are in and Panhead has made it two for two with Supercharger holding top spot. The now retired Death From Above takes a posthumous bow in second, joined by fellow Garage Project beer Pernicious Weed on the podium.

Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers of 2017: Analysis

Is the "Craft Beer Capital" baton passing from Wellington to Auckland? Why are there so few beers from South Island brewers? Which styles dominated? And more as we cast an eye over the results in the second GABS Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers poll.

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Beer Travel: Bavaria

Himmel Hünd Brewery co-founder Annabel Meagher won a Pink Boots Society scholarship last year that saw her travel to Germany's south. There, she immersed herself in Bavarian beer culture –

Behind The Hottest 100 Beers Of 2017

There were plenty of stories and talking points to be found in this year's GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers results. Here, we chat to the brewers behind four of them, from Balter, BentSpoke, Black Hops and Hop Nation.

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2017: The Results

The results from the GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers poll are set to be revealed from 100 to one on January 27. We'll be announcing the results as they come in here from 12.35pm AEDT before publishing our analysis and annual infographic.

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2017: Infographic

The results of the GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2017 are in, which means it's time for the annual Crafty Pint Infographic. Here, we break down some of the stats and trends from this and previous years.

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2017: Analysis

At a glance, there are some obvious stories that leap from the GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2017 list. Yet, if you drill down a little deeper and look at how the list has evolved over the years, you find much more revealed.

Trailblazing Women Of The West

The trailblazing women of Two Birds Brewing and the AFL Women's team Western Bulldogs have launched a new beer together. The Trail Blazer lager will be available throughout the 2018 season and sold across Australia too.

Newstead Forges An Old Alliance

It's 90 years since Sir Charles Kingsford Smith made the first trans-Pacific flight. To mark the occasion, Alliance Airlines has had one of its aircraft specially decorated and created a new collaboration beer with Newstead Brewing.

Throw A Foo Town Down

Newtown brewery Young Henrys is no stranger to the rock 'n' roll collaboration. But, as someone commented to us the other day, they may have reach peak collab with their latest, a beer brewed for the Foo Fighters 2018 Australian tour.

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The Gang Of Sour

A Brunswick warehouse that initially housed Himmel Hünd's brewery has been turned into an incubator of sorts for small brewing companies playing with barrels. Will Ziebell finds out more.

Help Us Get Blind: Session Sours

For our first Getting Blind With Crafty tasting of 2018, we're going to embrace the broad church of beers that might be tagged "session sours" – Berliner weisse, gose, kettle sours and so on. And now is your chance to help us decide which to feature.

Beer Travel: The South Of The Great Southern State

While better known for its wineries, the region to the south of Adelaide has long been home to a number of small breweries too. With three more set to open venues in and around McLaren Vale in 2018, we figured it was ripe for a beer-themed travel guide...

More On The Perth Stadium Beer Announcement

Yesterday, the beer lineup was announced for Perth's new Optus Stadium, the first major stadium in the country to award pouring rights to an independent Australian brewery. Here, we find out more from Gage Roads' head brewers and COO Aaron Heary.

Beer Lineup Revealed For Perth Stadium

The new Perth Stadium is set to open this weekend and the beer lineup has been confirmed. While all general admission areas will only be pouring mid-strength beers due to liquor licensing restrictions, Gage Roads has brewed special versions of a number of its beers too.

The View From The Top

When we published our series of Best New Beers features for 2017, there was one thing missing: an entry for the Northern Territory. With a new brewery opening soon, that may change in 2018. For now, an update from NT's original craft brewery, One Mile.

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