black hops

Beer On The Blockchain

Blockchains. Crypto. The metaverse. They're terms we hear about a lot these days but do they have much common ground with the world of beer? We spoke to two Australian brewing companies embracing digital currencies to find out.

Black Hops Go AWOL

The Gold Coast has added another notch to its brewing belt with the opening of the region's first barrel room. AWOL sits behind Black Hops' original home in Burleigh Heads and is already home to more than 100 barrels.

Sydney Brewery Claims Top Prize At Queensland Awards

Sydney Brewery claimed yet another major trophy for one of their lagers at the 2021 Royal Queensland Food and Wine Show Beer Awards, taking our Grand Champion Beer for their Pilsner.

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers Of 2020: The Stories

From the beer in top spot via two Queenslanders bursting into the top ten with new entries and a hazy from the Margaret River region, we chat to some of the people at breweries making waves in the 2020 poll.

Black Hops & Love For Local Dominate Beer Cartel's 2020 Survey

Support for local beer rose sharply in 2020 as drinkers rallied behind their locals during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Beer Cartel's annual survey. It also says Black Hops replace Balter as the country's favourite brewery.

Black Hops Buy Brisbane's Semi-Pro

Black Hops have bought Brisbane's Semi-Pro Brewing and will turn their East Brisbane brewpub into the third Black Hops brewery venue. The Semi-Pro founders are sticking around as part of the new venture.

Sailing On A Black Flag

When the 75th Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race takes place this summer, the local beer world will have skin in the game. Gold Coast brewery Black Hops are sponsoring 114-year-old spinnaker Katwincher.

Australian International Beer Awards Winners 2018

It was an eclectic collection of winners at the 2018 Australian International Beer Awards, with WA's Beerland taking out Champion Australian Beer and other major trophies for Mountain Goat, Green Beacon, Black Hops, Fixation, Brownstone, Philter and even one of our own.

A Beer Drinker's Guide To The Commonwealth Games

With the Commonwealth Games in full swing and the Gold Coast home to much in the way of great beer, expat Kiwi Steffan Paton serves up his first article for The Crafty Pint.

Behind The Hottest 100 Beers Of 2017

There were plenty of stories and talking points to be found in this year's GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers results. Here, we chat to the brewers behind four of them, from Balter, BentSpoke, Black Hops and Hop Nation.

Froth Town 2024 B 2
Gypsy Hub
Best New Queensland Beers Of 2017

We head to the Sunshine State to find out what our panelists thought were the best new beers released by Queensland brewers in 2017. There were so many, the ten became 11 – and even then there's some honourably mentions too.

The Crafty Dozen – December 2016

Our latest roundup of the latest breweries, venues and bottleshops added to our directories is actually more of a baker's dozen as we got a little ahead ourselves. So here's the last 13 of the 73 new additions to the site in 2016.

Best New Queensland Beers of 2016

As we near the end of the year, we head to Queensland for another look back at the best new beers released in 2016. The result is a list containing debut beers, fruit, barrels and much more besides.

The Big Issue: Crowdfunding Pt I

Crowdfunding has become increasingly popular among both new and existing beer businesses. In the first of a two-part series, Will Ziebell speaks to crowdfunding platform Pozible and a brewery that has run a successful campaign.

Best New Beers of 2015: Queensland

We reach the end of our state-by-state (and territory) look back at 2015's best new beers in Queensland. Darren "250 Beers" Magin sat down with fellow beer gurus to pluck ten of the finest new drops to grace the Sunshine State last year.

The Call of Hops

It was such a big deal, at first they thought it was a wind up. But it was true. The makers of Call of Duty: Black Ops III – one of the biggest gaming releases in history – really did want Gold Coast's Black Hops to create a beer for them.

Setting The Gold Coast Free

The Gold Coast is set to welcome its first ever craft beer focused festival when Free The Hops lands at bars over ten days next month. James Graham spoke to some of those involved to find out more.

Overt Ops

Black Hops by name, anything but Black Ops by nature. A trio of Gold Coast brewing mates is sharing their journey from home brewing to gypsy brewing to owner towers of shiny stainless – warts 'n' all.