
FogHorn Founder Takes Full Control Of Brewery As Mighty Craft Exit Craft

Shawn Sherlock, who built a reputation as one of Australia's finest brewers while at Murray's, has taken full control of FogHorn Brewery almost a decade on from launching the business, with Mighty Craft exiting craft beer.

Crafty Crawls: Newcastle Part II

It's time for part II of our Crafty Crawl guide to the breweries, beer venues and bottleshops of Newcastle. Here, we start in Hamilton and end with views of the football stadium, traversing an area that's now home to five breweries.

Grainfed Get There In The End

More than a decade after releasing his first Sneaky One, Lachlan MacBean finally opened the doors to Grainfed Brewing's brewpub in June. We chatted to him about the long, laid-back journey.

Crafty Crawls: Newcastle Part I

Four years on from our first Crafty Crawl through Newcastle and the beer scene has evolved so much it now warrants two editions. First up, we take a tram then hit the pavement, heading east to west through the city's heart.

Who Brews Good Folk Beers?

Newcastle's beer lovers have another brewery of their own after two well-known local publicans ventured into brewing for the first time. We caught up with the team at Good Folk Brewing as they opened their doors to the public.

Who Brews Method Brewery Beers?

It takes a particular set of skills to set up a new brewery but when it comes to Newcastle's latest, the founders feel like they've been building towards it for some time. We caught up with the folks at Method Brewing to find out about the method behind the Islington brewery and beers.

Wild Yeast Zoo

Wild beers are the oldest form of brewing and still capture a certain romance. Stepping into that fray is Wild Yeast Zoo, a Newcastle-based venture that hopes to uncover new yeast strains of yeast and bring the public along for the journey.

Dusty Miner: Slayer Of Beers

He learned the art of brewing as a homebrewer alongside the Newcastle Uni students now at the helm of FogHorn and Hunter Beer Co. Since 2015, Stuart Duff has been brewing commercially too as Dusty Miner.

Who Brews Cattleyard Beers?

Cattleyard Brewing Co was launched to serve thirsty festival-goers at Grooving the Moo but, with JJ Baker at the helm, has taken on a life of its own. We caught up with JJ to find out more?

Crafty's Advent Calendar: Corey Crooks

He was raised in a family of publicans and has taken what's in his blood to help turn his hometown of Newcastle into a craft beer city. We chatted to Corey Crooks of the 100 percent independent Aussie beer venue The Grain Store.

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Gypsy Hub
Crafty Crawls: Newcastle

Newcastle's history is one of hard working and hard drinking and today the coastal city boasts a plethora of excellent spots to enjoy good beer. The recently built light rail means it's easier than ever to get between them too.

A Fresh Blast On The FogHorn

Fans of FogHorn beers may not have to travel to the source for much longer after the brewery unveiled plans to expand horizons and release their first cans as part of a relaunch from FogHorn Brewhouse to FogHorn Brewery.

FogHorn Sounds Anew

Late in 2018, word spread that FogHorn, the highly-rated Newcastle brewpub was up for sale. In truth, it was a case of one founder looking to get out and the other, head brewer Shawn Sherlock, looking to the future. And now he is.

Who Brews Styx Beers?

Styx is one of the smallest and newest breweries in New South Wales, brewing out of an old coal testing shed in Newcastle. We got in touch with the team there to find out more about them for our Who Brews...? series.

Small Brewers. Bigger Beers

There could be good news on the horizon for Newcastle's small brewers following an announcement that a trial from Sydney's Inner West is set for the city and would allow them to sell full-sized beers instead of just tasters to customers.

Who Brews As The Rogue Scholar?

It was experiencing his first real ale in the UK that started Adam Hardy on a mission that led to the launch of Rogue Scholar. As his brewing company turns two, we find out more for our Who Brews...? series.

Aussie Exports: Jess Wolfgang

Jess Wolfgang spent years working with Keith Grice at Hunter Beer Co before being convinced to move to her partner's homeland in New Zealand. Together, they started Rhyme and Reason in Wanaka, where they brew local beer for anyone enjoying the town's splendour.

Price Wars Revisited

Back in May, we ran a two-part Secret Brewer feature looking at the price war going on in parts of Australia. Six months on, it's intensifying and spreading, according to a number of brewers we've spoken to.

BrewDog Down Under

One of the UK's leading craft beer brands, BrewDog, has announced it is to set up operations in Australia. They will be opening a brewery and venue in either Brisbane or Newcastle.

Behind Bars: Nick Pogonoski

There was a time when Tooheys was pretty much all you could hope for in Newcastle, but today venues such as the Grain Store are bring craft beer to the people. For our Behind Bars series, the venue's manager Nick Pogonoski tells us where tastes are at in Newy.

Want to know more?

Aussie Beer Blogs: The Year of Beer

Our latest featured beer blog is The Year of Beer, one fairly recent convert to craft beer on a mission to document his adventures in beer – and convert his mates and missus to the good stuff too.

One For The Road

Newcastle Craft Beer Week is returning after a two year hiatus. We met up with the man bringing it back, Shannon Kearnes, the Novocastrian behind the One for the Road walking tours that take guests around his beloved hometown.

James Halliday Feature: Rise of the Brewpub

Amid all the new brewing companies launching across Australia, the brewpub format is proving increasingly popular. Crafty Pint founder James Smith spoke to the men behind two of the newest.

Craft Beer Heroes: Corey Crooks

Last month, we kicked off a new regular feature on The Crafty Pint: Craft Beer Heroes. It is designed to celebrate the people who have done and are doing great things in the world of beer in Australia…

Beer Nuts: A Craft Beer Ideot

We've showcased brewers, bloggers, beer heroes and podcasters. And now it's time to shine a light on you as we kick off Beer Nuts, featuring the country's most colourful beer lovers.