Bailey’s saisoneers have been diligently toiling through a moderate winter in the Swan Valley brewhouse and as the first breaths of warms air tease at a hot summer ahead, they unveil Golden Ale, a saison. Usually the hushed amour of brewers and fractious node of tension with anyone from marketing thanks to them not quite being adopted by drinking in the way the industry would like, the broad saison style offers much for Australian drinkers and Bailey’s is no exception.
Character filled, yet supremely drinkable, Golden Ale also keeps pesky alcohol concerns at bay thanks to it's 4.8 percent ABV. It’s a tidy Venn that incorporates wheat malt sweetness, classic Belge banana and bubblegum with yeast dervived spice interest of light white pepper and cinnamon hints. Persistent, fine carbonation equally crests an attractive moussey halo above the glass and while amplifying the lengthy dry finish.
Golden ale is a beer looking for snacking, sunshine and thirsty saisoneers, whether of the brewhouse ilk, or otherwise.
Guy Southern
Published September 26, 2024 2024-09-26 00:00:00