Is the Wild Saison an even finer drop than La Sirène's original? The beer uses a Brettanomyces strain alongside La Sirène's in house saison yeast and the result is a beer of even more complexity and possibly even a greater degree of refreshment.
Brettanomyces, or "Brett" for short, is often credited in its various forms with lending beers certain "off" characteristics and highly "Brett-y" Belgian styles are often described as having barnyard or horse blanket like aromas. Here, there's a touch of horse that is balanced by the malt sweetness, with the additional yeast also bringing some cherry and berry characters to the spiciness of the beer.
James Smith
La Sirène Brewing
277 Edwardes Street
VIC 3073
Open Hours
Wed to Fri: 5pm to 11pm
Saturday: midday to 11pm
Sunday: midday to 6pm
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