There aren’t too many independent Australian breweries that have made it to 15, so it seems like a milestone that’s very worthy of a special beer. Such a celebration seems even more essential when you’re a pioneer in your region, with Burleigh Brewing having launched in the Gold Coast in 2006, well before South East Queensland was home to nearly as many breweries as it is today. If you’d like to learn more about how the journey of Burleigh's cofounders Peta and Brennan Fielding, you can read our story from 2018 or read Peta’s entry into the Crafty Advent Calendar from 2019.
As for Burleigh Fifteen, the beer the Gold Coast brewery has chosen to brew is an uncommon one, even given the plethora of beers released across the country each week. What the beer does though, is fit well into the 15th birthday theme while also being the kind of German-inspired beer Burleigh has long championed, with Brennan in particularly holding a deep love for the country's brewing tradition. Known as a Dusseldorf Dunkel, the malty and smokey ale aims to replicate what you would have drunk in that German city during the 15th century, ahead of cleaner dark lagers taking over. It pours dark and copper like the altbiers the German city is better known for today, with plum and a slight taste of toffee soon being balanced by the smoked malt flavour that brings it closer to the Rauchbiers of Bamberg. Also separating it from a dunkel, is the beer’s textural mouthfeel and a substantial bit of spice from the hops - all sourced from Hallertau of course - and further fruit flavours from the yeast.
Will Ziebell
Published August 10, 2021 2021-08-10 00:00:00