Similar to the original IPAs and porters in England, brewed hoppier and stronger to withstand journeys across the oceans to the countries invaded by the British Empire, the Märzen style was first brewed in Germany to last through the summer when higher temperatures could otherwise lead to spoiled brews. The Albert’s Amber Lager is their iteration of such beers, with a slightly higher ABV than most in their lineup.
Bright amber in colour, you're met by spice and toffee, although the latter is served without being overly sweet, a trap some amber ales can fall into. The rich, toasty flavours make this perfect for an afternoon or evening sipper, or for when you’re weighing up a gear change without wanting to go too dark or heavy.
Dorian Broomhall
Published November 1, 2021 2021-11-01 00:00:00