Speak, O Fates! Of Perseus
The hero young, though sharp and bold.
With slender muscles, like the yew,
Who dares to face gorgon of old.
Gold rays shine through misty dawn;
He creeps toward the monster’s lair.
His body lithe, and soft, and smooth
His footsteps stealthy, swift feet bare.
Approaches he the darkest cave,
The yellow sand beneath his feet
Reminds him of that spiky fruit:
"ananas", juicy flesh and sweet.
Inside the mouth of cavern deep—
Its ceiling like a vaulted hall—
He climbs up high into the scent
Of floral musk and bitter pall.
Lo! A second form appears.
A woman steps to cavern’s maw
Her head held high, her nose aloft
Smooth of skin but strong of jaw.
Her sweet perfume, playful and ripe;
Abundant orchards fill the air.
But beauty loses innocence—
Her piercing eyes begin to glare.
They start as darkness, globes of black.
Until they come into the light
And there, the blood red glint appears;
The promise of a deadly fight.
Smoother than a river stone
Her movements, like a viper’s strike;
First she seemed like maiden fair
Now surging sea upon the dyke.
Speak, O Fates! Of Perseus;
Boyish youth with strength of arm.
Against Medusa, black and bitter
Hidden in her graceful charm.
Mick Wust
PS You’d better believe I also tried these beers mixed together. Tasted like a banana smoothie. I really had no way of squeezing that into the epic poem above.
Published May 1, 2022 2022-05-01 00:00:00