One of two IPAs in the Banks core range (and why the hell not when you're so good at them), as well as one of their beloved DDH (double dry-hopped) beers, Juice Fit is the endgame of their experiments brewing IPAs to try to achieve "the most drinkable & approachable juice bomb". It's one in which they've employed the notably fruity El Dorado, Centennial, Citra and Mosaic too.
While less punchily aromatic than Alriiight – there's subtle stone fruit and gentle citrus on the nose initially, with pineapple joining the fray as it warms – Juice Fit really comes into its own to taste. There's a deep, layered, pine-edged hop flavours aplenty, albeit still with some fun Mosaic-esque candy fruits dancing on top. Indeed, while the aromas are relatively easygoing, and the bitterness low as it should be in such a beer, boy, the flavours stick around.
James Smith