Beer Travel: Hunting Down The Hottest 100

At the denouement of the Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2014 poll, Dan "Crafty Kev" McEvilly set himself the challenge of trying them all. A year on, he tells us about his mission and how the beer world rallied to help his cause.

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2015: Analysis

Once again, the Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers results have led to much debate. There were some clear winners and some surprises too. Here's what we thought the 2015 results suggested about the local beer scene.

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2015: The New Kids

Among the winners in yesterday's Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2015 countdown were three breweries new to the list in 2015. Pirate Life and Hawkers Beer both launched in 2015, while Big Shed came in with three entries. We spoke to them all.

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2015: The Results

The votes are counted, the results are in, and we have a new (returning) number one: Stone & Wood Pacific Ale. Feral moves to number two while the big story is Pirate Life, with the new brewery taking two of the top four spots in its first year.

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Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2015: Infographic

The results of the Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2015 are out. So, as in 2014, we've done some number crunching so we can present some of the keys stats and trends to you in handy Infographic form.

Craft Shopping

Building upon their runaway success at in Croydon, the Public Brewery team has opened a second venue in a most unlikely spot: a shopping centre. The Cellar Door showcases local beer, wine and produce at Eastlands and could make mall shopping actually enjoyable.

Beer Travel: Adelaide's Craftiest Beer Gardens Part II

Last week, we kicked off a tour of some of Adelaide's craftiest beer gardens on a mission to find out what makes a beer garden great. Here's part two, as Matt King checks out another half dozen combining craft beer with al fresco action.

Beer Travel: Adelaide's Craftiest Beer Gardens

Summer's here, which means it's beer garden time. Matt King has been visiting many of the best and craftiest that Adelaide and surrounds has to offer, asking owners and patrons what makes a beer garden great.

Mining A Rich Seam

Visitors to WA's Great Southern region will probably have visited Boston Brewery and sampled its wares. Now, with a new brewery in place and bottling line on the way, you may not have to travel quite so far to check them out, as Pia Poynton discovered.

Beer Nuts: The Fletcher Brothers

There a few beer lovers anywhere in Australia who have tried as many beers as Jez and Sam Fletcher; certainly none who have documented their sampling in such fastidious detail. So we invited the brothers to be our first Beer Nuts double act.

The Geeks Inherit

More good news for SA's beer lovers as the brewing duo going by the name Little Bang have opened their own brewery and venue. It means bigger batches of their beers and yet another place where you can enjoy beer as fresh as fresh gets.

The Smoky, Hoppy, Spotty Dog

At the end of 2015, another new brewing company launched its first release into Tasmania's increasingly busy beer scene. Spotty Dog Brewers were already known to locals for their smoked BBQ treats; now they've got beer to go with it too.

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The Big Issue: Quality

Is there anything more important when it comes to beer than quality, both when it leaves the brewery and the experience enjoyed by each drinker who buys a beer? For our first Big Issue feature of 2016, six experts share their views.

Best New Beers of 2015: Queensland

We reach the end of our state-by-state (and territory) look back at 2015's best new beers in Queensland. Darren "250 Beers" Magin sat down with fellow beer gurus to pluck ten of the finest new drops to grace the Sunshine State last year.

Best New Beers of 2015: New South Wales

Time for our penultimate look back on the year in beer. This time our attention turns to New South Wales, where a panel led by Nick O cast their minds back over 12 months and came up with the new releases that impressed them the most.

Best New Beers of 2015: ACT

ACT welcomed a new brewing company into the fold in 2015 as champion home brewer Kevin Hingston took his beers to market as Pact. It gave our ACT panel four local breweries to pick from for their best new releases in the territory this year.

Best New Beers of 2015: Victoria

For the fourth of our Best New Beers of 2015 roundups, we look at the state with the largest number of breweries and brewing companies. Which ten beers did our panel reckon were the best of the year? And do you agree?

Merry Christmas!

We received an early Christmas gift at Crafty Towers when, earlier this month, we passed the 1,000,000 page views mark for the year for the first time. So we're giving a couple of Crafty Cabal memberships away to celebrate. Merry Christmas!

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