How long do you think it would take to visit every single one of Australia's hundreds of breweries? Chelsea Bright is embarking on a mission to do just that – and plans to hit her target by Good Beer Week 2023.
Beer Swag Day was a day of celebration that ran as part of the Keeping Local Alive campaign in the early weeks of the national lockdown. And now it's back – on the anniversary of the lockdown so we can mark that dark day with a smile.
We've sifted through hundreds of posts from Saturday to anoint winners around the country. Now it's up to you to decide who'll win the swag full of swag and the year of beer from Fury & Son. Vote away!
The inaugural Beer Swag Day is almost upon us. The #keepinglocalalive campaign team is calling on Aussies to show their love for their local breweries, bars, pubs and bottleshops on May 23.
This Postcards series has shown how many businesses connected to beer and hospo have suffered. Guy Southern joined Short Batch as they printed #keepinglocalalive t-shirts and we chatted to CraftyMerch about their roller coaster ride.
The beer community is about much more than beer and the people that brew, sell and celebrate it. There's a whole world of beer swag out there and the Keeping Local Alive campaign has created a day in which we can all show it off.