Bright Brewery have been exploring their backyard with some mates from further afield, teaming up with Queensland’s Revel for a hoppy collab. The north-south partnership saw them head to the Rostrevor Hop Garden to get their hands on some fresh Galaxy to make Cold & Wet while Revel were busy making the same cold IPA but with theirs instead featuring dry hop pellets. The Victorian approach delivers peach, pineapple and some light lemondrop and herbal grassiness, with everything finishing light and crisp.
From crisp, we move to thick, with Bright looking to Norway for their kveik hazy IPA, King Konge. Starring alongside the yeast are Cascade, Eclipse and Mosaic hops and it's a combo which makes for a super smooth beer awash with ripe mango, guava, mandarin and bubblegum.
Will Ziebell
Published May 5, 2023 2023-05-05 00:00:00