Hotel Sweeney's Mystery Tap Takeover (NSW)

Fri 24 Mar 12:00pm

Hotel Sweeney's Mystery Tap Takeover (NSW)

One of the most interesting ways to drink beer is blind, with a beer presented to you stripped of labelling, the name of the brewery that made it, the style and anything else that gives you a clue as to what's in the glass. 

The exercise tends to be a great leveller, removing marketing bias and helping judge a beer solely on how it tastes – you'll often find beers that you might not ordinarily look twice at on a shelf performing better than "cool" ones. Which brings us, in a roundabout way, to Hotel Sweeney's Mystery Tap Takeover. 

They'll be loading the taps with eight beers, but you won't know what they are. The decals will give you a clue as to the approximate colour of the beer and they'll be displaying the ABV – so you won't be in danger of thinking you're ok to drive home after mistaking an imperial stout for a mild ale – but the rest is up to your finely tuned taste buds to determine. 

If you're a beer nerd keen to put your money where your opinion is, there'll be prizes (packs of beer) to be given away to those that can correctly guess each, or any, of the beers and brewries. There'll also be prizes of GABS tickets and vouchers up for grabs if you simply have a guess but get it wrong. 

Taps will be loaded early so you can join the fun all day. The beers will be revealed, and prizes dished out, at 9pm. 

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Special Event Types: Cabal Cabal Crafty Pint Industry