Crafty Films: GABS Uncut

Last week’s roundup of the Great Australian Beer SpecTAPular brought you snippets from interviews we carried out with a number of brewers and punters at the St Kilda event. Yet it only seemed fair…

Beer Angels

We’ve always held an appreciation for beer angels, those mystery creatures who watch out for those who’ve had one too many and guide them miraculously back home at the end of the night (even…

Good Beer Week

For a few years now, there’s been a feeling that the craft beer industry has been gaining traction in Australia. But as we approached the end of 2010, there was more than just a buzz surrounding…

Crafty Films: The Great Australian Beer SpecTAPular

Apparently, a picture says a thousand words, so could anything have been more appropriate for the Crafty Pint’s first venture into the world of the moving picture than a film shot at the inaugural…

Gypsy Hub
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Crafty Goes Filming

When we came up with the idea for The Crafty Pint, the ultimate aim was the promotion of Australian craft beer in all its many forms. Part of achieving that aim has been to provide a means of bringing…

The Emperor's New Brews

They don’t mess about at Murray’s. If they can ratchet up the flavour another notch or three they will, whether creating one of the best lower alcohol beers to come out of Australia in the…

Feral's UK Takeover

You may already be aware that at some point in the coming months WA’s Feral Brewing will be handed the keys to The Local Taphouses, taking over all 20 taps with its beers. But it seems that taking…

New Brewer At Tooborac

It’s all change at Tooborac Hotel & Brewery, with new brewer Chris Haren making the step from passionate home brewer to professional. James and Val Carlin, owners of the beautiful bluestone hotel…

The Tipping Point For Taps?

With craft beer bucking the overall trend of falling beer sales in Australia and gaining traction in more and more corners of the country, there’s been much talk recently of the industry reaching…

Calling All Beer Bloggers & Writers

As those of you who frequent the interwebs and read the weekly Crafty newsletter may have ascertained, there is in existence a body going by the rather grandiose name of the Australian Beer Writers Guild.…

Truly SpecTAPular

They came. They saw. They concurred: the inaugural Great Australian Beer SpecTAPular was a soaraway success. The biggest event of its kind held at The Local Taphouses had a queue of 65 people waiting outside…

Calling All Hop Heads

Dry-hopped, wet-hopped, late-hopped, mash-hopped. However beer can be hopped, it’s happening for the third running of the Paddy’s Brewery beer festival. The brewery in Sydney’s west has brought this…

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Goat Rocky IIPA
When Worlds Collide

It never rains, but it pours. Yesterday, we had a story about Australia’s first two collaborative brews in Epicure – both to be tapped at GABS on Saturday. And today, we can reveal that the…

The Great Beer Debate

In The Crafty Pint’s short life, we’ve noticed that people like a bit of debate when it comes to beer. Whether it’s just arguing over who makes the best, what is or isn’t craft…

Hobart's Holy Water

We’ve all been to pubs we really like. Often we’ll go back to them. Sometimes we’ll tell our friends to go there too. At a push, we might even write something nice about them for strangers to find.…

Aussie Beer Geek Heaven

The final lineup for next week’s Great Australian Beer SpecTAPular has been announced. And it has to be the most outrageous collection of Aussie-brewed beers ever to appear in the same place at one…

The Interstate Beer Off

Living in Melbourne, it’s easy to believe craft beer’s making huge inroads into the Aussie beer drinking market. But, while it’s an industry that’s growing fast as the major beer…

H100: Beer's The Winner

Well, what a palaver! A light-hearted poll to get people talking about craft beer turns into a spiky bun fight. Who’d have thunk it? While the debate continues elsewhere on this site, with comments ranging…

Bintani- Updated Behind The Brew- E
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