Ever since I discovered Innis & Gunn and Founders’ Dirty Bastard back in 2014 or so, I’ve been in love with scotch ales. The problem? Hardly anyone in Australia makes them.
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s a beer style designed for a country with a climate worthy of over 100 words for rain and 400 for snow, while I live in a part of the world where you get sunburned when you step outside to check the letterbox.
Anyway, as you can imagine, I was stoked when Brouhaha brought out their Scotch Ale. Pouring halfway between rust and ruby, it’s a delight to look upon. It’s chockers with all the malty goodness you want: dried fruits stand tall in the foreground, and there’s background toast and caramel and prune, with just a hint of port if you squint. A staid sweetness holds this beer back from being a dessert-y treat, but nudges it into comfort drink territory - like a sugary cup of tea at granny’s house.
Would it be great to drink this beside a fire while looking out the window at the smirr? Absolutely. But I’ll happily enjoy it when it’s taps aff.
Mick Wust
Published August 5, 2024 2024-08-05 00:00:00