There’s no clearer a reminder of how diverse the beer world has become than when a single brewery releases two beers that from a distance look so similar but up close are worlds apart. Bridge Road have done just that with two fruited sour releases, with both even arriving in different vessels: stubby versus tinnie.
First up, there’s the Fruit Salad Gose, which comes inside a tropical fruit tinnie. I picked up an impressive amount of mango on the aroma but upon drinking that side of things was a little more restrained, joined by pineapple and passionfruit and the slightest of saltiness from the Gose base.
Then there’s the latest in the Mayday Hills series: Brettanomyces Apricot Sour. It might be another sour with fruit additions and weigh in at almost the exact same strength but it’s there the similarities end. There’s plenty of funk at play from the Brett, while the apricot comes across like it’s being slowly boiled down to go into a preserve. The result is a beer where sourness and sweetness both hit you at once. Fans who've been following the Mayday releases will also encounter a particularly viscous body, one that been a key character in many of the Beechworth brewery’s funky foeder releases.
Will Ziebell
Published March 6, 2020 2020-03-06 00:00:00