Bridge Road’s Magical Easter Unicorn has undergone a metamorphosis and come out the other side as Eggster, a triple chocolate ale.
Did someone at the brewery stop believing in the magical Easter unicorn? Did the constant encouragement for customers to decapitate chocolate bunnies catch the attention of PETA? Or did Bridge Road simply want an excuse to start hiding tinnies of beer around the backyard?
Whatever the reason for the change, Eggster is a similar beast but with boosted chocolate character. Pouring this beer smells like walking into a chocolate shop. As the thick head begins to ease off and you take a sip, you get a hit of sweetness from the lactose, but there’s definitely the impression that this is a dark chocolate egg, not a milk chocolate egg. Weighty on the tongue, Eggster’s chocolate taste is dark and bitter - well, bittersweet - and lingers on your breath after you’ve swallowed. This chocolate egg isn’t one for the kiddies.
Mick Wust
Published March 25, 2022 2022-03-25 00:00:00