The Batch brewers have been playing around with all manner of funky, tangy, fruity things for a good while now and, as of summer 2018, it looks like one of the fruitiest fruits of their labours is graduating to become a regularly brewed and canned release. The beer in question is Pash The Magic Dragon, one that meets their requirement for a fun and punny name too.
The name hints at what's inside the tinnies, with passionfruit and dragon fruit there in such volumes that you're left with a beverage that's as close to a fruit juice as it is a beer. Pinky-orange in hue and with aromas that conjure memories of Um Bongo (well, if you grew up in the UK in the 80s anyway), it's lighter on the palate than those big, fat, tropical aromas might have you expecting and bids farewell with a dry, acidic and faintly funky finish.
Published February 16, 2018 2018-02-16 00:00:00