Brew & A: Jack Beavis of Woolshed Brewery

There's few breweries in Australia with as picturesque a location as Woolshed in SA's Riverland region. At the helm for most of its existence has been Jack Beavis, a local lad who returned to Renmark to follow his brewing dream.

Beer Nuts: Ode To The Road

Oh, to hit the road with the end game being just that: the road. The couple behind Ode To The Road, Erin and Carmel, have been touring Australia more than a year, sampling as many breweries as possible – growlers and dog in tow.

Crafty Cabal Update - February 2019

Time for a first update of 2019 from The Crafty Cabal, our beer lovers bonus scheme. We've got exclusive events, a bar shout, new giveaways and new deals. Check it!

Join The Club

The wartime munitions still hang on the walls, the old members still share stories on the greens outside, yet at many RSLs and bowlos around Australia craft beer is playing a role in attracting new members and keeping the joints alive.

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All In Goodieson Time

One of the longest-established of South Australia's microbreweries turns ten this year. Yet, thanks to a desire to keep things small, local and family-focused, Goodieson have plotted a path that's kept them happily under the radar.

Behind The Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers Of 2018

The 2018 GABS Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers countdown saw a big increase in hazy IPAs, a few debuts and a big presence for beers from the big man behind Behemoth. Here, Jono Galuszka chats to the people behind some of those stories.

Hottest 100 Kiwi Craft Beers Of 2018

The results of the GABS Hottest 100 Kiwi Beers Of 2018 are in and it's another show of dominance by Garage Project, with Behemoth not far behind. Hazy IPAs are on the rise as formerly independent brands fall away.

Crafty Crawls: The Frankston Line

We kicked off our Crafty Crawls series with a public transport route – the 86 tram in Melbourne – and here's another. It's arguably not the most likely, yet it offers access to some of Victoria's best breweries, bars and bottleshops.

FogHorn Sounds Anew

Late in 2018, word spread that FogHorn, the highly-rated Newcastle brewpub was up for sale. In truth, it was a case of one founder looking to get out and the other, head brewer Shawn Sherlock, looking to the future. And now he is.

Behind The Hottest 100 Beers Of 2018

There's been a couple of days for the dust to settle on the eleventh running of the GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers, which has given us enough time to chat to the people behind the breweries and beers making the stories in 2018.

Crafty Dozen – January 2019

After a rush to start the new year and with more waiting in the wings, it's time to round up the most recent new additions to our brewery, venue and bottleshop directories with a dozen(ish) stretching from Albany in WA to a trio in Brisbane.

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers Of 2018: The Results

Well, what an interesting countdown that has proven to be. The top four might not have changed but there's some big wins for some unlikely newcomers and big drops for the breweries that are now part of bigger brewing companies.

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Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers Of 2018: Infographic

The results of the GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers of 2018 have been revealed, which means it's time for the annual Crafty Pint infographic! We pored over the results and made them into pictures for your visual pleasure!

Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers Of 2018: Analysis

Maybe there's as much of the data nerd as the beer nerd within the Crafty team but we do enjoying taking the Hottest 100 results and seeing what, if anything can be surmised. And here's what we came up with from the 2018 results.

Black Hops Set Crowdfunding First

Just six days after opening their equity crowdfunding campaign to the public, Black Hops​ have reached their maximum fundraising target of $400,000 – and broken a few records in the process.

New Year. Lucky Beer

It's fair to say the Australian beer world isn't the most culturally diverse of places. But, as Chinese New Year approaches, the team at Temple is hoping to showcase aspects of that country's culture through a new "lucky ale".

Locals Heroes

They rarely rise to become big sellers for the breweries that make them and are often lagers or approachable pale ales, yet that hasn't stop a growing number of local brewers launching beers with their locals and locale front and centre.

Beer Travel: The Adelaide Hills

Once better known for its wines, the Adelaide Hills have become a treasure trove for beer lovers. Here, Matt King takes a meandering tour through the many breweries, venues and bottleshops that are found throughout.

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