Dark beer lovers have a dilemma in Queensland. We love our porters and stouts, and they go down perfectly in winter… but there’s an extra level of dedication needed to knock back a pint of 6 percent (or higher) chewy stout in 33 degree heat and high humidity.
BBCo’s answer isn’t to invent a new style, but to go back to an often underrated classic style: the dry Irish stout. Their version, My Shout, is the perfect year-round dark beer. Just like its famous big brother from Ireland, this beer looks black in dim light, but actually shows its deep red colour at the right angle. Its tan head and huge chocolatey aroma has you wondering if this is a beer that’ll knock you about. And the first sip certainly delivers all those flavours you’re looking for – the chocolate, the roastiness, the coffee bitterness that sticks around longer than a Brisbane winter. But this isn’t a meal in a glass. It’s not leaving you with a thumping head. And it doesn’t leave you with a tell-all foam moustache.
Relish the flavours, then ready yourself for another of these sessionable stouts. It’s your shout.
Mick Wust
Published January 29, 2019 2019-01-29 00:00:00