A Drop In The Ocean

For the first time in its history, Phillip Island has an operational commercial brewery. Ocean Reach is a small brewpub operation that opened in Cowes at the end of 2016 and is already winning over the locals.

Rocks Puts Its Brewery Up For Sale

One of Sydney's largest breweries is going on the market. One of the partners in Rocks Brewing has decided to exit the business meaning the brewery and venue in Alexandria – but not the brewing company – is set to be sold.

Events Wrap – 02.06.16

There are beer launches galore in the latest roundup of forthcoming beer events around Australia. You can also check out beer dinners, birthday parties, Solstice celebrations and even a sleepover in the Sunshine Coast hinterland.

Breaking China II

In Breaking China, we spoke to Australian brewers looking to secure export to China on the challenges they faced. In part two, we seek a different perspective from Chinese beer writers and an expat in Melbourne working to establish a distribution network for Aussie brewers.

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Carry On Grifting

The Grifter Brewing Co started out almost by chance. Today, it calls an impressive Inner West factory home to both its brewery and bar. As they mark five years in brewing, we invite two of its founders to look forward and back.

Help Us Get Blind: Reds & Ambers

After an eight month hiatus, we've found the time to bring our Blind Tasting Panel back together. And, given there's so many beers to pick from these days, we're inviting our readers to help us pick the beers we'll put to the test.

Beer Travel: The Other High Country Beer Trail

The High Country Brewery Trail in North East Victoria is one of the most popular and rewarding trips an Aussie beer tourist can take. The region is also home to some fine craft beer supporting pubs. And here are the best of them.

Beer Travel: Istanbul

Storyteller Spinks is off on another meander through the Northern Hemisphere. In his latest update, he calls in on two of the craft brewers of Istanbul and discovers the issues facing Aussie brewers pale in comparison.

Crafty Cabal Update – 26.05.17

With the last of the 70-odd people we're sending to GABS for free preparing to hit the Dome in Sydney, time to reveal the latest events, offers and prizes we've got lined up for Crafty Pint supporters around Oz.

Our Man In NZ: Kiwi Hops

The New Zealand hop industry produces some of the most sought after varieties in the world. Jono Galuszka spent time with NZ Hops and one of the lead scientists behind the development of new hops to find out more.

Brew & A: Mornington's Barrel Man

Earlier this month, Mornington Peninsula Brewery released the first beer from its barrel program, the luscious Old Pumping Station. Overseeing the program is young brewer Kristian Martin. Here, we find out more about him.

Australian International Beer Awards Winners 2017

Last night's beer awards in Melbourne put the seal on an incredible first year for Balter as the Gold Coast brewery took out three major trophies. They were among several multiple winners, which included several locals and Dagon from Myanmar.

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The Big Issue: Weird Beers

It's that time of year when more new beers hit the market than at any other thanks in part to GABS. A good percentage will be highly experimental or outright odd, with the oddest tending to gain the most media hype. But is all news good news?

Independence Day

Today, Australia's small and independent brewers voted to remove large breweries from national trade body. What was the Craft Beer Industry Association (CBIA) is now to be known as the Independent Brewers Association.

The Secret Brewer: Price Wars Pt II

Yesterday, we presented an article from The Secret Brewer claiming a price war poses serious challenges and issues for the Australian craft beer industry. Here, a brewery owner, a sales rep and a venue owner respond to those claims.

Cocktails On Tap

Good Beer Week 2017 has seen a small army of American breweries travel to Melbourne. And it's not just owners, brewers and barrel program managers who've come. Cocktail guru Jacob Grier has visited as part of the retinue from Portland.

The Secret Brewer: Price Wars

For the past couple of years, there has been much discussion around the prevalence of low priced kegs – and more recently cases – hitting the markets, particularly in Melbourne and Sydney. This Secret Brewer two-parter asks if it's good for beer.

Aussie Exports: From Melbourne To Tallinn

During Good Beer Week in 2016, if you called in to the Canadian Pint of Origin venue, you may well have been served by Rob Dooley. A year later, he's working for a brewery in Estonia after following his girlfriend when she headed home.

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