Picture this: a 40 degree South Australian summer day, camped on the banks of the Murray River, all while sinking back a few beers with your family and friends. Smoke fills the air, a strong whiff of steak hits the nose, just as a bead of sweat trickles down your forehead. You need a drink, one that's refreshing, clean and easy to throw back without feeling the immediate effects. You want to refresh, relax and laugh the afternoon away without the worry of feeling the effects of booze.
Woolshed’s River Time is the beer for just such an occasion, with an all Australian malt lineup and additions of Galaxy and Mosaic. An easy tropical, citrus and slightly grassy nose makes way for the very light, laid-back beer to follow: slight, biscuity and crisp upfront, an extremely subtle bitterness and an effervescent, dry finish to help convince the drinker to have more than one.
Matt King
Published December 6, 2016 2016-12-06 00:00:00