The Cheshire Cat from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland is a mixture of wise and whimsical, crazy and cynical. It’s often quoted as some kind of patron saint of those wishing to break free of societal norms, with lines like: “I am not crazy; my reality is just different from yours” and “Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality.”
I can only assume Cashmere Cat is a reference to that iconic character, and this year we could all do with an ally in the war against reality. Look down on the fluffy head and imagine yourself soaring above clouds made of cotton. Sip from the blanket of fog keeping the harsh world at bay, and you’ll find that rolled oats and wheat bring the texture of a pillow to help you slip into a dream. Ripe purple passionfruit float in the air, while pineapples and mangoes walk hand in hand, leaving a trail of juice behind them - juice that’s just started to give a small fzzzt and take on a twinge of acidity (though not the kind of acid usually associated with Alice in Wonderland).
We all need a little break from reality every now and then.
Mick Wust
Published August 23, 2020 2020-08-23 00:00:00