When they opened their Bathurst brewery in the second half of 2022, Reckless launched their BX Lager: a crisp knock-em-back lager that captures the spirit of traditional Aussie beer and is at home in a brewery pub out in regional NSW.
Now they’ve launched this golden beer’s dark counterpart: BX Old. No prizes for guessing which popular Aussie pub staple this is channeling.
Its body is a deep and brooding dark brown, but BX Old isn’t a heavy-hitter; hold your glass up and you’ll see the liquid lets the light through, telling you this isn’t a beer that’ll weigh you down. For all the roast and burnt caramel notes wafting from the surface, and the chocolate and dried fruit notes that open up as the beer crawls closer to room temperature, there’s nothing in this beer to slow you down as you drink. BX Old goes down three long sips at a time, sinking like the sun behind the long, dry grass on the distant horizon.
Rest comfortable in the knowledge that somewhere, somehow, your grandad is looking down at you, raising a glass of dark ale and giving you a proud nod. (If he's still alive, tell him to get down from there before he hurts himself.)
Mick Wüst
Published April 2, 2023 2023-04-02 00:00:00