Both Flemm and Muthur Funker have been part of BentSpoke's oeuvre for a number of years, and in 2023 they're appearing in cans at the same time for those who know they're after something Belgian-esque and funky but can't decide exactly how said desire should be sated.
The new edition of Flemm is a little different to those that have come before, most noticeably when it comes to booze content: up from 5 to 6 percent ABV. If anything, this takes the beer closer in nature to its Platonic ideal: the Flanders reds of Rodenbach. The texture of this ruddy, swirling liquid is richer, the dark toffee and berry jam flavours and aromas slightly intensified, the finish (if memory serves correctly from previous years) a little longer and heavier. The acetic acid is there, but delivered with a subtlety that makes it more adornment than centrepiece, making for an enjoyable local take on an unimpeachable classic.
Muthur Funker is a golden sour, aged for 12 months in barrels with BentSpoke's house mixed culture bacteria strain, and again they've delivered a beer with balance that will keep existing fans of such beers happy and, equally, not prove overly scary for anyone who's never tried such a thing before. The sweet-sour-funky trifecta works to bring musty barnyard and citrus-stonefruit characters together with a refreshing tang and almost vinous texture.
James Smith
Published August 1, 2023 2023-08-01 00:00:00