News & Feature Stories

Craftifying Malaysia

A few years back, a Victorian beer lover we'd met at several beer events headed to Kuala Lumpur to join family members in building the country's first ever craft beer venue. The idea was to bring the delights…

Who Brews Little Bang Icon?

For our latest Who Brews feature, we find out all about Little Bang, a small Adelaide startup with plans to make a rather bigger bang over the coming years.

2015: What Lies Ahead?

Happy New Year, beer lovers! We hope you all welcomed in 2015 in fine style and aren't suffering too badly today. After a mammoth year in 2014, Crafty Towers won't be properly staffed again until January…

Beers of 2014: ACT

Our final look at the best new brews of 2014 visits ACT where Adrian Moran selects the five beers that impressed him most.

Beers of 2014: South Australia

What were the best new craft brews of 2014 in South Australia? For our sixth state by state rundown we turn to the gurus at The Wheaty for answers.

Best of 2014: New South Wales

As the year nears its end, time for the fifth of our state by state looks at the best new beers released by Australian brewers in 2014: New South Wales.

Beers of 2014: Queensland

The fourth of our state-based picks of some of the best new craft beers to be released in Australia comes from Queensland, courtesy of Darren from 250 Beers.

Beers of 2014: Victoria

Which new brews from Victorian breweries tickled our fancy the most in 2014? The third of our state-by-state top tens focuses on the state where The Crafty Pint began.

Beers of 2014: Western Australia

What were the best new beers of 2014 in WA? We asked Pia "girl plus beer" Poynton, who also masquerades as Crafty Pint WA to select her 10 top tipples.

Craft Beer Heroes: Corey Crooks

Last month, we kicked off a new regular feature on The Crafty Pint: Craft Beer Heroes. It is designed to celebrate the people who have done and are doing great things in the world of beer in Australia…

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Beers of 2014: Tasmania

Who brewed the best new beers in Tasmania in 2014? We asked beer expert and owner of Saint John Craft Beer, Luke Dempsey. to pick his top ten local brews.

Vote For The Hottest 100 Australian Craft Beers of 2014

Voting is open for the Hottest 100 Australian Craft Beers of 2014. You have until January 9 to select your top five beers of the year. Results announced on Australia Day.

Do The Can-Can

The cans keep on coming. A couple of weeks ago, we reported on the launch of the first canned beer from WA's Colonial Brewing and now we've been lucky enough to get our hands on the four tinnies from Brisbane's…

The Beer Necessities

There's no doubt this weekend's Meredith Music Festival will, in one sense at least, be like none of the 23 preceding Meredith Music Festivals. In the not too distant past, those who made beer their tipple…

Brewed Nude In Brisbane

Posing naked for a calendar may not feature highly on everybody's bucket list, but it seems that Brisbane's craft beer community just can't help themselves. Following the huge success of the 2014 Males…

Beer Nuts: A Craft Beer Ideot

We've showcased brewers, bloggers, beer heroes and podcasters. And now it's time to shine a light on you as we kick off Beer Nuts, featuring the country's most colourful beer lovers.

Brew & A: 4 Pines

Measured in any way whatsoever, the story of 4 Pines has been a remarkable one. For one, they managed to established their brewpub in Manly when barely anyone in Sydney, let alone this northern beach outpost,…

Up On The Hill

The story of Hargreaves Hill is one of the best known and most frequently referenced in Australia. It's the small Yarra Valley brewery that opened to give visitors to the wine region an alternative, established…

Clean Bowled

Back before The Crafty Pint existed – back when it was a mere idea going by the name The Wobbly Boot (dodged a bullet there) – we presented our case to the Victorian Association of Microbreweries in…

Podcast People: Ale of a Time

A few months back, it came (rather belatedly) to our notice that there was a growing number of beer podcasts cropping up around the country. While Radio Brews News, from the people behind the Brews News…

The Crafty Six: Alternative Summer Beers

It's the first day of summer so we've picked some beers that we reckon will go down a treat in the hotter months ahead – beers that may not appear in other "Best Beers for Summer" lists.

Local Beer For Local People

Late last year, when compiling the list that would become 150 Great Australian Beers, we put a shout out to any Australian breweries who had packaged product we may never have come across before. One of…

Colonial Can Do It

If you like cheesy word play and canned local beer then you're going to like this article because it's got both in spades. Recently Margaret River's Colonial Brewing welcomed a new member to their brewhouse…

The Pondering Pint: Beer in the Media

Earlier this year, we embarked on a spot of chin-stroking in consideration of the validity of rating beers. Today, we bring The Pondering Pint back and look at the state of craft beer in the Australian…

Who Brews: Black Hops Eggnog Stout?

In the second of our Who Brews...? features offering a quick snapshot of some of the newest brewing companies around the country, we turn our attention to the Gold Coast and a trio of mates who, faced…

More Aussie Craft Beer Goodness

We usually do one of these roundup articles once we've added another nine breweries and venues to our craft beer directories as nine makes for a nice beery montage image. This time around, however, it…

Two Decades of Bootlegging

The other day, a young dad was drinking beer at Bootleg Brewery while his child made full use of the playground. Almost two decades earlier, as a 10-year-old, he had been the kid in the playground while…

Craft Beer Heroes: Miro

Brewers make beer. Without them there would be no beer. Thus it's easy to fall into the trap of focusing on them and them only as the stars of the beer world, especially in the craft beer industry where…

Gourmet Brew

While most of the promotional focus surrounding the Margaret River Gourmet Escape has been on the stellar names they've attracted to WA for this weekend's event, there's a solid showing for the region's brewers too, not least in the form of a brewer-chef hook up.

Who Brews Wolf of the Willows XPA?

Hot on the heels of the relaunch of our once-regular Brew & A feature with Doug from Brookes Beer (who has set the bar pretty damn high for future respondents), it's time to kickstart another regular spot.…

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Brew & A: Brookes Beer

For the first Brew & A feature since the relaunch of The Crafty Pint, we head to Bendigo where Doug Brooke talks classical music, megabrewers, getting old and cocaine.

The Little Brewery That Can

A few days ago, Matt Bebe had a moment. A little over four years ago, he was working as an HR manager. And now here he was packaging cans of IPA bearing his brewery's name – the first Aussie IPA to appear…

Cold Hard Facts?

It would seem that the phrase "craft beer" has been deemed clickbait worthy by editors in the media in the past year. Where once you'd struggle to find any coverage of beer anywhere in the Australian mainstream,…

White Rabbit's On The Hop

Little Creatures' little sibling is to leave its warren in Healesville and move to a new home in Geelong. Lion is to build a new dedicated White Rabbit brewery in one of the currently vacant buildings…

Matilda Bay To Close

Matilda Bay's Port Melbourne home is to close. The decision to cease brewing operations and close the brewery bar at the Bertie Street site was announced to staff on Thursday morning (13/11). Both will…

Getting Reddy For Summer

Back when The Crafty Pint started up four years ago, Scott Wilson-Browne was something of a lone duck in the world of Australian craft beer. Sure, Richard Watkins was having fun in the underbelly of Canberra's…

Bombs Over Bacchus

Next week, the G20 leaders will gather in Brisbane to further advance their plans to hollow out and poison the Earth while concentrating the entire planet's wealth in one person's hands and leaving those…

The Crafty Six: Alternative Melbourne Cup Beers

We all love Melbourne Cup day. Even (or maybe especially) those of us that don’t give a stuff about horses or gambling. Victorians get a public holiday (and usually turn it into two days off, if not…

Crafty Gets Tapped

A few months back, we caught up with a chap who had just launched a new app designed to help beer lovers find out what was on tap at their local venues. It took all of, oh, two minutes for the mind to…

James Halliday Feature: Community Service

Any day now, the latest edition of James Halliday's Wine Companion Magazine will hit shelves across the country. Inside will be a feature article penned by The Crafty Pint's founder looking at the renaissance…

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Give Them A Big Hand

When they were formulating the idea that was to become Big Shed Brewing Concern, home brewing mates Craig Basford and Jason Harris always hoped to be able to give fellow home brewers a leg up. Ten…

Beer From The Far Side

In recent years, we've had craft beer arrive in Australia from the usual suspects, such as North America and New Zealand, as well as some less expected places, including all parts of Europe, the Middle…

MO Brewing, No Problems

A three-month-old Sydney brewery has swept the board at the inaugural Craft Beer Awards, taking out four trophies including Champion Australian Craft Beer.

Beer Awards: Perth Royal Beer Show 2014

Mash Brewing continues to follow the golden path through 2014. The Swan Valley-based brewery last night collected the trophies for Best Commercial Brewery, Best West Australian Brewery and Best Ale Draught…

Handing Back The Baton

It's all change at Murray's, with the man who brewed the New South Wales brewery's very first beers when it first launched at the iconic Pub With No Beer returning to take up his old head brewer's role.…

Willie vs The Daleks

Slowly but surely, the dots on the map of Sydney’s Inner West are joining up. In the past couple of years Newtown, Marrickville and Alexandria have all fallen under the spell of the small brewery. Now…

Crafty Pint II: The Sequel

Four years on from its original launch, The Crafty Pint has a new look. It's more evolution than revolution, with Crafty Mk II designed to be more contemporary both in appearance and cross-platform functionality…

Holgate: A Love Story

In the opening moments of a video shot to mark the 15 year anniversary of Holgate Brewhouse, Paul Holgate points out that it’s 25 years since he and wife Natasha met. "So ours is a love story really,…

World Beer Awards: More Redoak Success

Another week, another set of awards for Sydney's Redoak. Since we last posted articles on their wins at the International Beer Challenge in London and at the Sydney Royal Beer & Cider Show,…

WAy To Go

If you like tap takeovers, beer dinners and schmoozing with brewers then WA Beer Week is going to be a pretty busy week. perhaps it’s best you call in sick to work now just to save the hassle later on…There’s…