A Keeping Local Alive Easter Message

The message at the heart of the #keepinglocalalive campaign is simple. As we enter what will be a very strange Easter weekend, here's the Australian beer community to remind us why is matters.

Postcards from the Edge No.14: The Chain Gang

While none of us know what the beer and hospo scene will look like once measures to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic are over, two Melbourne breweries are eager to support the businesses that have supported them.

Postcards from the Edge No.13: Tumut To Go

Pubs and breweries across the country have been switching to home delivery as a means of #keepinglocalalive. But few are clocking up the kilometres – or doing it with the panache – of Tumut River Brewing Co.

Postcards from the Edge No.12: The Beer Essentials

Fancy saying thanks to the essential workers helping us get through the COVID-19 pandemic? A new campaign, A Good Beer Always Helps, offers you the chance to do just that while supporting craft brewers too.

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Postcards from the Edge No.11: Finding Funky Solutions

It's not venue and brewery owners and staff that have been hit hard in the beer world by the recent shutdown – there's the industry-within-an-industry of entertainers, musicians and trivia hosts looking for ways to adapt.

Aussie Beerstagrammers: All Of The Beers

He fell down the rabbit hole of beer in London and has brought his passion to bear with the @allofthebeers Instagram account. Guy Southern spoke to Matt Kukura for another entry in our Beerstagrammers series.

Postcards from the Edge No.10: Can Together

The craft beer industry has always been one fired by the spirit of collaboration, something which has come to the fore during the COVID-19 crisis. We spoke to two brewers helping get their peers beers into punters' hands.

Postcards from the Edge No.9: Big Easy's Virtual Venue

As soon as they saw the writing on the wall the team behind three Adelaide venues pivoted fast, creating a new online service recreating the experience of their venues as best as possible and keeping many staff employed.

Postcards from the Edge No.8: Sanitation For The Nation

Brewers and distillers across the country have been switching production in recent weeks to help meet the country's need for more hand sanitiser.

Grants For Victorian Breweries & Bars

The Business Support Fund announced by the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on March 21 is now open for applications. Many small businesses within the local beer and hospo community will be eligible to apply.

Postcards From The Edge No.7: Made By Mongrel

Fancy food and beer delivered to your door complete with a suggested soundtrack? The team at Mongrel in Brisbane have been moving fast to survive since their venue closed. Will Ziebell spoke to founder Annie Bingley.

Postcards from the Edge No.6: The Rocky Reality

For all that businesses are scrambling to survive in these drastically altered times, the reality is that no one knows if they'll make it out the other side. We spoke to Hamish Coates of Rocky Ridge about heartbreak and uncertainty.

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Postcards from the Edge No.5: Isolation Island

Two figures from Tasmania's beer industry have launched the Isolation Beer Festival, a celebration of the state's independent breweries and beers designed to connect people at a time when we need to remain apart.

Brew & A: Caolan Vaughan

They might be best known for their Pacific Ale but the Counter Culture series has been exciting beer geeks since launching last year. Overseeing brewing of all Stone & Wood beers is Caolan Vaughan, so we invited him for a Brew & A.

Postcards from the Edge No.4: #dontdrinkalone

Self isolation and, in all likelihood, a full lockdown of society at some point, will prove challenging for everyone, but some more than others. The #dontdrinkalone campaign launched by a WA bottleshop hopes to spread virtual cheer.

Postcards from the Edge No.3: Quarantinnied

It's amazing how fast things can happen when the pressure's on. The team at Carwyn Cellars has created a special Canvent featuring 24 Victorian brewers in just a couple of days so people can enjoy beers together apart.

Postcards From The Edge No.2: GoFeedMe

What do you do if you're one of the thousands of beer and hospo people forced out of work by the COVID-19 pandemic? In the case of Deb Lieu and James Balboni, you launch a mission to feed others in your position.

Postcards From The Edge No.1: Cherry Cheer

As the beer and hospitality industries adapt to the new reality, there are some inspiring examples around. We joined The Cherry Tree crew as they launched their home deliveries by bringing cheer to the streets of Richmond.

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