The Future Is...?

Many venues in Victoria opened for the first time in 70 days today as restrictions elsewhere were eased further. Yet any celebrations will be tempered by the fact the road to recovery remains long and many won't make it to the end.

Sun Dog World

Moon Dog World has attracted plenty of attention – and for good reason. There's another good reason to pay attention to the building too, as they've installed so many solar panels they're almost regarded as a power station.

Postcards from the Edge No.34: A Lucky Break

There's never a good time to break your leg, but during a global pandemic while running a regional business is most definitely not good. Yet, with a little help from their friends at Lallemand, Pioneer Brewing turned it into an opportunity.

Postcards from the Edge No.33: Gambling On A Better Future

With venues closed, The PBC not only took the chance to undertake much-needed renos, but the Sydney bowlo's president also took the opportunity to highlight the success they've had since ripping out their pokies.

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Beer Swag Day: The Finalists!

We've sifted through hundreds of posts from Saturday to anoint winners around the country. Now it's up to you to decide who'll win the swag full of swag and the year of beer from Fury & Son. Vote away!

Postcards from the Edge No.32: Keeping Hospo Alive

An initiative providing meals and support for hospo workers impacted by COVID-19 has already provided more than 6,000 meals since launching in March. Will Ziebell spoke to one of the founders of CoViD-19 EAD.

AIBA 2020 ISO Edition Winners

With this year's awards proper postponed, the Australian International Beer Awards went online for a special ISO Brewer's Choice Edition. The industry was invited to vote in a new set of categories, with CUB's brands cleaning up.

Postcard from NZ: Good George

Pubs and bars in New Zealand open for the first time since March today. Nick Oscilowski spoke to Brian Watson of Good George about surviving the lockdown and hopes for the future of beer and hospo across the Tasman.

Three Sleeps Til Beer Swag Day

The inaugural Beer Swag Day is almost upon us. The #keepinglocalalive campaign team is calling on Aussies to show their love for their local breweries, bars, pubs and bottleshops on May 23.

Postcards from the Edge No.31: Once In A Brew Moon

After a detour into making sanitiser from cheap wine, Perth's Whipper Snapper Distillery got stuck into one more project before returning to whisky: turning kegs from 21 WA breweries into a one-off batch of Moonshine.

Postcards from the Edge No.30: Exit Through The Bottleshop

Mixed brewery packs appeared in an instant as the shutdown hit and have kept on coming – in diverse arrangements too. But, with restrictions starting to ease across Australia, will they have post-pandemic staying power?

Postcards from the Edge No.29: Back To The Bar

This weekend has seen venues in some states open for small number of patrons. Jakkii Musgrave was back at Bloodhound Bar – the last venue she'd visited before the lockdown – for its first sitting.

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Postcards from the Edge No.28: Pint of Online

You might not be able to partake in a PoO Crawl at Good Beer Week 2020 but that hasn't stopped one group finding a way to join each other on a cross-city Pint of Origin trek while in isolation.

Postcards from the Edge No.27: Bunker Down

For the team at The Welder's Dog in northern New South Wales, the challenges of dealing with COVID-19 have brought them new partners, new customers and a new approach for their business going ahead.

Postcard From The UK: Cloudwater

The UK has been hit even harder by COVID-19 than Australia. Ahead of his virtual Meet The Brewer this weekend, we chatted to Cloudwater founder Paul Jones about life as a brewer in the UK and what he thinks lies ahead.

The Master Of The Brewniverse

It's not the first time a homebrewer has won the chance to scale up a winning brew for commercial release. But winning Coopers' Masters of the Brewniverse competition means Chris Woods' honey IPA is going nationwide.

The Collaborators: Kaddy

A pair of childhood mates have joined forces to launch a new business they believe will help streamline the relationships between breweries and other small producers and the venues and bottleshops after their beverages.

50 Days Of Shutdown

It will be a long time before we know the full impact of COVID-19. But on day 50 of the momentous decision to shutdown the country's venues, we asked people throughout the industry for their thoughts.

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