Crafty Cabal Update - August 2020

As the beer world returns to something approaching normality in most of Australia, we've been adding plenty of new deals, giveaways and events for members of our beer club, The Crafty Cabal.

Postcards from the Edge No.47: Interstate Mates

During the first lockdown, everyone in the beer industry was faced with similar challenges. Now, with some states rolling back restrictions while Victoria is suffering again, the brewing industry is rallying to help mates in need.

BrewCon 2020 Cancelled Due To COVID

The Independent Brewers Association has today announced the cancellation of their annual industry conference due to the ongoing challenges posed by COVID-19. BrewCon is now set to return in 2021.

Wildflower: Time Is On Our Side

Sydney's Wildflower Brewing & Blending didn't wait for March 23 to close their venue. Instead they set about using the shutdown to recharge batteries and expanding their operation into a newly acquired warehouse.

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Hop Nation Set Up In Mornington

Hop Nation have taken over the former site of Mornington Peninsula Brewery's main production brewery. It follows Mornington owner Tribe Breweries' decision to stop using the site earlier in the year.

Aussie Beerstagrammers: Sticking With Beer

Our Aussie Beerstagrammers series with a young account that's quickly become one of the country's most popular thanks to its creator's unique concept and humorous approach.

A New Competition For WA Brewers

This year's WA Good Food Guide Awards will feature beer for the first time. The competition will judge only WA beers with the judging panel led by The Crafty Pint's own Guy Southern.

Postcards from the Edge No.46: Lockdown Life

Streets are emptier, bottleshops and cellar doors are quieter, masks – and a greater sense of fear – are everywhere. Midway through the scheduled six weeks of Lockdown Mk II, we chat to two reps about life in Melbourne's beer world.

The Collaborators: KegSwappa

“It seemed like such an obvious thing to do. Why is no one else doing it?” If you've ever used Swap'n'Go gas bottles, then you basically already know how KegSwappa works. Read on to see how this simple idea came about.

Postcards from the Edge No.45: Mr Frothy

Growlers played a huge role #keepinglocalalive during the first lockdown. Now much of Victoria is closed again, they're back, with one brewery even set to delivery them from the High Country to Melbourne homes.

From Belgium With Love: The International Beer Collectors

It started with a British take on an Abbey ale, took in the farms, breweries and bars of Belgium, and ended up with some of the finest Belgian beers entering Australia via Newcastle. Meet the International Beer Collector.

Postcards from the Edge No.44: The Million Dollar Tip Jar

As soon as Lockdown Mk II hit, the team behind Tip Jar, a fund launched to support the hospitality sector, ramped up their efforts again. We chatted to them about their fundraising beer and cocktail and hopes for the future.

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The 2020 Australian Craft Beer Survey Launches

Beer Cartel's annual survey of attitudes, opinions, trends and spends in the Australian craft beer world has opened for 2020. It's your chance to contribute to a snapshot of the beer scene at this uniquely challenging time.

Craft Beer Heroes: Pete Meddings

He might not be a household name but if there's any craft beer-loving household in Australia that hasn't enjoyed the fruits of Pete Meddings' labour, we'd be surprised.

Postcards from the Edge No.43: Bingo – It's A Gas

Watching customers pull into and out of a servo in Wagga Wagga might sound like an odd way to spend a Tuesday night. But the Servo Bingo concept, launched by the Thirsty Crow during lockdown, is proving a hit.

The Collaborators: The Post Project

From the first GABS to breweries big and small – more than 50 of them – shooting brand stories, beer launches, collabs and even a beer song, Alister Robbie has helped bring the Aussie beer world to life over the past decade.

It's Still In Your Hands

With Melbourne and parts of Victoria back in lockdown and travel restrictions tightening elsewhere we're looking to update part of the Keeping Local Alive campaign site we'd hoped was no longer required.

Melbourne Goes Into Lockdown Again

Victoria's Premier Daniel Andrews has announced Melbourne will face its second lockdown. The return to stage 3 conditions sees all pubs, bars and brewery venues closed for six weeks with potentially devastating consequences.

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