When the Reckless trio decided to add a stout to their line-up, they discovered they all had their own thoughts about how it should turn out. Co-founder Jarrod describes the process on the Reckless blog:
“We describe to each other what we think a perfect stout is all about… I want it to have low bitterness and be hop-forward, Alice wants the beer to have some sweetness, without the addition of sugars. Grace has a certain hop variety that she thinks would balance delightfully on her roasted base.”
That amalgamation of ideas landed them with this stout, which has a beautiful dark brown body and tan head you’d hope for, but the red around the edges tells you it’s not going to be overwhelming for someone new to dark beer. It’s dry and roasty upfront, with rich robusta coffee and cocoa bitterness filling out the back of the mouth. But this is all accompanied by a hum of hop character echoing with light malt sweetness - lemon, orange and pine reverberating through the air, and coming out all the more as the beer warms up in your hands. That citrus in particular is no accident; Grace used Cascade, Centennial, and a double dry hop of Citra to boost the hoppiness to levels you may not be expecting in a stout, but will surely appreciate.
Mick Wust
Published May 28, 2021 2021-05-28 00:00:00