People & Culture

Celebrating the people who make the beer world such a colourful place.

People & Culture
Brew & A: Bacchus Brewing

Among the new listings added to the site at the start of this month was one of the more idiosyncratic breweries in the land. Bacchus Brewing combines a huge home brew emporium with a multiple brewhouse…

What's In A Name: Red Duck

Queen Bee, Ragnarok, The Ox, Ugly Duckling, Smells Like A Pony, Bear, Hop Bach, Canute the Gruit… When it comes to beer names, Red Duck tends to be as off the wall as it with the beers it brews.…

What's In A Name: Moon Dog

Beer names. Do they matter? If so, why? And how do brewers come up with theirs? As we explained here, The Crafty Pint’s involvement in naming a couple of beers got us thinking about it. And rather than…

Blog Of The Month: Ale of a Time

You may have come across Ale of a Time before. It’s been running for nigh on two years now, after all. If you haven’t, there’s a good chance you’ve come across its creator’s writing before anyhow.…

Blog of the Month: Crafty Ramblings

Given we have a website dedicated to craft beer to keep us busy and in regular attendance at breweries, bars and beer festivals all over Australia and, occasionally, further afield, it’s not often that…

Craft Beer Pioneer

A man described as “one of the grandfathers of Australian craft beer” and “one of the original real characters in brewing in Australia” has passed away overnight. Geoff Scharer, founder of Scharer’s…

Brew & A: HopDog BeerWorks

Nowra’s HopDog is one of the country’s newest and smallest breweries, set up by Tim Thomas and his wife in 2011. Highly experimental in the brewhouse and with beer names that hint at his love of metal,…

Blog of the Month: Water & Hops & Malt & Yeast

In recent weeks, you may have spotted an article or three on The Crafty Pint from Nick O. Nick is a Kiwi now living in Sydney who has submerged himself in the local craft beer scene then made himself known…

Brew & A: Van Dieman

It’s been a while since we dusted down the old Crafty Brew & A feature. Not our fault necessarily – it seems you lot are drinking so much craft beer that our beloved brewers don’t actually have time…

Blog of the Month: Ambersandwich

Many Aussie beer drinkers across numerous states will know Kris Miles. One of the founders of the sadly-no-more Nectar bottleshop in Brisbane, then hop spirit-infusing cocktail creator at Beer DeLuxe and…

WA Beer & Brewing Conference 2024 2
Froth Town 2024 B 2
Brew & A: The Monk

As the birthplace of the Sail and Anchor, Matilda Bay and Little Creatures, Freo will forever warrant a special place in the hearts of Aussie beer lovers. Today, with the likes of Clancy’s Fish Bar and…

Brew & A: Moon Dog

It’s been a while since the last one, but better late than never we bring you another look at the people behind the beers you know and love. What do they drink when they’re not brewing? What turned…

Blog of the Month: Frozen Summers

We’ve been a little slack on the featured blog side of things recently, with a couple of months passing since the last. So how about making up for lost time by featuring a man who not only writes a blog,…

Brew & A: Red Duck

In the coming weeks, the first of Red Duck’s intriguing dark beers we told you about a few weeks back will start leaving the brewery. As such, it seems like as good a time as any to pose a few questions…

Blog of the Month: A Great Set Of Tipples

While we avoid rating beers on The Crafty Pint, preferring instead to talk about them and leave you to make up your own mind, it doesn’t mean we’re opposed to the idea. Especially when it’s done…

Blog of the Month: From Beer To Eternity

A bit of a change in direction here. While last month’s featured bloggers were a bunch of Sydneysiders casually documenting their drinks and pub visits in between surfing trips, this time it’s the…

Brew & A: Stone & Wood

What with their Pacific Ale being named Australia’s Best Beer in the recent-released Critic’s Choice book – and their need to spend as much time as possible surfing off the Byron Bay coast – life’s…

Blog of the Month: Back of the Ferry

Just like a micro bringing out a light beer, Crafty might be at risk of upsetting the purists here. Why? Because the first NSW blog we’ve asked to perform a show and tell doesn’t write exclusively…

Blog of the Month: Here For The Hops

As we prepare to add the first non-Victorian brewery and bar listings to The Crafty Pint this week, we figured it was time to invite our first interstate blogger on board too. Here For The Hops documents…

Brew & A: Otway Estate

Kickstarting Crafty’s Q&As for 2011 are the brewers responsible for one of the widest ranges of beer in Australia. Luke and recent recruit Hendo knock out Prickly Moses, Otway Organic and Otway Estate…

Blog of the Month: Beer Bar Band

Beer, bars and bands. Is there a finer trio of activities on which to dedicate your spare time? Certainly not in the mind of James Davidson, aka jayelde, creator of the blog of the same name that’s dedicated…

Brew & A: Red Hill

As a brewery, Red Hill on the Mornington Peninsula produces beers in which the ingredients sit in perfect harmony with each other. Therefore it’s good to know that the brewers making them appear to have…

Brew & A: The Kooinda Crew

When they started out in 2008, the Kooinda team’s tale was the epitome of the craft beer dream: four families pulling together to find the time and money to build a tiny brewery in a suburban backyard.…

The Beer Frontier

No doubt many of you who tuned into the adventures of Oz and James on SBS’s Drink for Britain as they toured the UK supping beers aplenty on their search for the drink that defined Britain sat there…

Blog of the Month: eat, drink, stagger

If there’s one thing The Crafty Pint likes to be, it’s fair to one and all. So, having had Beer Blokes as the first featured blog, it’s time to redress the balance. We’re not saying Prof Pilsner…

Brew & A: Bridge Road's Nardia McGrath

Whatever the current VB ads might have you believe, beer is anything but an exclusively male world. Look around the bars and breweries of Australia and you’ll find female brewers and bar owners, Beer…

Brew & A: Holgate's Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan is Paul Holgate’s right hand man at the Woodend brewery. The one-time US Marine is also an avid student of the history of beer, as you’ll see from his two-part feature “How Beer Is Made”…

Blog of the Month: Beer Blokes

Anyone who’s a regular at beer events around Victoria will have come across Prof Pilsner: wise-cracking beer dinner host, restaurant manager, beer blogger and all round top bloke. He also gave The Crafty…